One Night Standoff - By Delores Fossen Page 0,57

close to the edge, he gathered her into his arms and gave her what she needed to finish.

She made that sensual sound again when the climax racked through her body. And she tightened her grip on him. He didn’t need much to go over that edge with her, and that did it. Clayton pushed into her one last time and let himself fall right along with Lenora.

Chapter Fifteen

Lenora barely had time to catch her breath before Clayton moved off her. She immediately felt the loss of his body heat.

And his touch.

She nearly pulled him right back on her, but then realized he’d likely moved for her own comfort and for the sake of the baby. But it hadn’t been uncomfortable. Just the opposite. Every part of her was still humming and slack from the pleasure of the climax.

Clayton turned onto his side, facing her, and eased toward her so that the top of her head was tucked under his chin. It was definitely intimate, since they were butt naked and recovering from the aftermath of incredible sex.

Well, it had been incredible for her, anyway.

She’d wanted Clayton since the first time she’d laid eyes on him, and their other time together had been clouded with grief. This time there were clouds, too, but she’d had a hard time remembering them when he was inside her.

But the clouds returned.

So did the mental list of what they were facing. And no, another round of sex wasn’t on that list. Or at least it shouldn’t have been. Too bad there wasn’t a cure for Clayton Caldwell so she could concentrate on what had to be done.

Yes, definitely clouds.

They had to continue the investigation and also had to work out something on a personal level that didn’t involve a marriage of convenience. She wanted Clayton in their baby’s life. She was certain now that he wanted it, too, but Lenora was also afraid that once he fully recovered from his injuries, he might feel differently, that he might even resent being tied to a woman he didn’t love.

And there had been no talk of love.

Not even a hint, and despite the craziness going on, there had been a time or two when he could have said he was falling for her. Or maybe just that one day he might be able to fall for her.

But nothing, other than that milquetoast proposal.

“I remember,” he said.

Even though he’d whispered it, his voice seemed to echo through the otherwise silent room. Lenora froze for a moment, processing that, and then she pulled back so she could meet his gaze.

“How much do you remember?” she asked.

Lenora didn’t know why she was afraid of the answer, but she was. Maybe because Clayton had realized that it had been nothing more than a one-night stand between them.

And that’s what it had been.

Two people in shock and filled with grief over a woman’s murder. Except Lenora had the sinking feeling that it had been more than that for her.

A lot more.

Despite her not seeing Clayton for two months after that, she hadn’t been able to forget him, and she was reasonably sure that the pregnancy was only a part of that. Even if she hadn’t become pregnant, she doubted she would have just been able to walk away and forget him. Even if that’s exactly what she should have done.

“I remember you,” he said, as if choosing his words carefully. He slid his hand between them and over her stomach. “I remember that night.”

She waited, but he didn’t add more. Certainly nothing about what he’d been feeling when they’d dragged each other off to bed.

And nothing about what he was feeling now.

“You should get some rest,” he said, kissing the top of her head. He would have gotten up from the bed if she hadn’t caught him by the arm.

“Okay, what’s wrong? What did you remember?” Lenora demanded.

He looked down at her, his gaze skirting over her naked body. “That you were anxious to get out of there afterward.”

That was true. But it hadn’t been because she wanted to leave Clayton, but rather because she hadn’t wanted to fall apart in front of him. Hard to explain that to a man when they’d just had sex.

“Leaving wasn’t about you,” Lenora settled for saying.

He stared at her. Apparently it was her turn to add more, but she must have waited too long because Clayton made a slight sound of frustration, broke out of her grip and started getting dressed.

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