One Night with Cinderella - Niobia Bryant Page 0,29

the future of Cress, INC. for generations to come,” he replied with ease and honesty.

Phillip Sr. nodded and splayed his hands. “And that is why Gabriel would be my top choice were I to step down,” he said.

Gabe hated the pleasure that glimmer of approval from his father gave him.

“But imagine my disappointment when you mentioned to your mother and I just last week that you missed being a chef and wished you could find a way to do so in some capacity while still working for Cress, INC. A bunch of nonsense I will never support.”

Gabe’s hand tightened into a fist inside his pocket as he remembered the comment he’d made in passing to his parents. “I also said in a perfect world, and trust me, I know this is far from that,” he said, unable to take the censure from his tone.

Cole chuckled. “Careful, Gabe, you’ll lose the top spot and your award for The Perfect Son,” he teased.

“Enough, Cole,” Phillip Sr. said, his voice low but hard and unbending.

Gabe released a heavy breath, swallowing his own anger as the tension in the room seemed to roar. “But if I’m not guaranteed the position of CEO then why should I—or any of us—alter our lives on the chance of gaining nothing?” he asked.

“Why should I trust the future of the company to someone not willing to make the sacrifice?” Phillip Sr. shot back.

“Because the happiness of your sons should matter,” Gabe retorted.

Phillip Sr. threw his hands up in exasperation. “Then be happy and go cook, Gabe, but you cannot have two loves. One will always suffer.”

“Good advice, Dad,” Cole said suddenly with obvious sarcasm.

Everyone in the room looked at Phillip Sr. and Cole as they shared a long look before Cole turned and strode to the door. “I’m out,” he said before leaving.

Gabe had found their brief exchange odd, but barely had time to give it much thought as his father stood and took his mother’s hand in his and walked across the conference room, as well. For him, the conversation was not done, but for now, it was clearly over.

He was still annoyed as they all took their leave, but throughout the day, he found it hard to focus on the business proposal to present for board approval for the second CRESS restaurant in Paris.

It was a bitter pill to swallow that his parents held no regard for his happiness.

If nothing else. I’ve been given the freedom to do as I please and I’m grateful for that.

He lowered his hands from the keyboard and sat back in his chair behind his desk as he remembered the occasion those words had been said to him...

Monica lay on her stomach across the middle of her queen-size bed as Gabe rested on his side beside her with the dark gray satin sheets haphazardly strewn over their lower bodies. He trailed his fingers up and down her spine. He aroused tiny goose bumps across her soft skin as she gazed out the window at the stunning view of darkness claiming the Manhattan heavens as light began to fill windows of the towering skyscrapers in the distance.

The view was as beautiful as her new condo, but neither could rival her beauty when he stroked deep inside her and looked down at the satisfaction in her brown eyes.

They’d enjoyed making fiery love. It had been a week since they’d last sought out each other for pleasure. Although an hour had passed, they lingered in bed, still enjoying each other’s presence.


He bent to press a kiss to her lower back as she reached to pick up the iPad from the nightstand.

“Room service is on the way,” she said, looking back at him over her shoulder.

Monica had purchased a condominium in one of those buildings that was mainly a hotel but had several floors designated for condos, combining the luxury and amenities of a hostelry with home ownership.

Gabe deeply massaged one fleshy cheek of her bottom before giving it a slap. She playfully scowled and arched a brow.

“Just making up for the slap you gave me earlier,” he said as she climbed from the bed nude.

He watched her, enjoying the sight of her soft buttocks as she bent over to find her robe, tangled with the duvet strewn on the floor. In the months since they’d become lovers, he’d seen more of her shy facade fade. Nearly gone was the skittish woman who’d made it her business to remain in the background of his family’s Copyright 2016 - 2024