One More Time (Ruby Falls #2) - Aurora Rose Reynolds Page 0,35

around before meeting my gaze once more. “What are you doing here?”

“I’m here with Tide and our friends,” I tell him, and his eyes drop to Tide’s hand that is holding mine firmly, then his head tips back, smiling.

“You’re the new boyfriend.” He laughs, looking at me. “Your mom has been complaining about him nonstop.”

“Dad.” I bite out and he grins.

“I hear you’re going to be attending the fall party.” He sticks out his hand toward Tide. “I don’t know if Aria warned you, but her ex is going to be there.”

“Dad,” I repeat, and he shrugs.

“He should be warned, especially when your mom is involved. She thinks you and Josh are going to get back together.”

“I’m never getting back with Josh. Ever.”

“And I don’t think you should, but your mom isn’t convinced.”

“Anyway.” I shake my head, thinking this conversation is pointless. “We just wanted to see if you need a ride.”

“Not yet. Your mom’s out with a friend, so I’ll wait until she tells me she’s home and head that way.” My stomach turns, and I hold Tide’s hand a little tighter. I grimace as I think about the fact that my mom is probably out with another man right now, and my dad knows about it, but instead of dealing with the situation head-on, he’ll sit here and drink his cares away. “Do you guys want to join me for a drink?”

“No thanks, we’re just about ready to leave.” I shift on my feet, feeling awkward. If I had a normal relationship with my dad, I would kiss his cheek or give him a hug, and tell him I love him, but our relationship is in no way normal, and really, I don’t remember the last time I hugged either of my parents. “Get home safe, Dad, and if you need a ride, you can call me.”

“All right.” He looks disappointed. “I’ll see you two at the party.”

“Yep.” I spin on my heel, seeing Gia and Colton head back toward the table we were sitting at.

When we reach them, I grab my coat and slip it on, glancing at our drinks on the table that were barely touched, and meet Gia’s gaze. “Will you be disappointed if we leave?”

“Not at all,” she says softly, glancing at my father who is still watching us looking disappointed.

“I’ll walk you guys out,” Colton says taking his wife’s hand.

“You okay?” Tide asks me quietly as we walk toward his truck, and I glance up at him.

“Just annoyed that the first time you met my dad, he was drunk, but not sure if it matters, because he will likely be drunk the next time you meet him too.”

“I’ve met him before, Aria. He just doesn’t remember me.”

“Great.” I sigh, and he stops walking, then turns me to face him, taking my chin between his thumb and forefinger and tipping my head back.

“I told you before, babe, I don’t give a fuck what your parents think or do. I care about you.” He touches his lips to mine, then leans back. “We’re on the same team, okay?” He waits for me to nod, and once I do, he takes my hand and walks me the rest of the way to the truck, where Gia and Colton are standing.

“I’m sorry about tonight, guys.”

“Don’t apologize. It’s not a big deal,” Gia tells me quietly before tipping her head back to look at her husband. “I’ll see you at home in a few hours.”

“Yeah, baby.” He kisses her forehead then her lips before he comes to give me a hug. “We’ll find time to really celebrate soon, Aria.”

“I’d like that.” I give him a small smile, then grab his arm. “If my dad can’t get a ride home, will you call me?”

“Sure.” His face softens before he looks at Tide. “We’ll talk later.”

“Yeah, man,” Tide agrees, and they bump fists before both men help Gia and me into the truck.

When the doors are closed and it’s just Gia and me inside, I feel her hand come to rest on my shoulder and squeeze. I wait for her to say something, and when she doesn’t, I realize that real friendship is not speaking for the sake of filling the silence… but just being there in silent support.

Chapter 11


I STARE OUT the window of the pizzeria, wondering how today is already here. The night we saw my dad at the bar, Tide told me that he wanted me to have dinner with him and Olivia on her birthday. At Copyright 2016 - 2024