One More Time - Ali Parker Page 0,52

back in my room for that eventuality.

I couldn’t deny that I was beyond relieved that it hadn’t turned out that way. Looking into the chocolatey depths of his eyes now, unguarded for once, I knew that I’d done the right thing.

Caleb reached over to stroke my cheek, looking into my eyes like he could see into my very soul. “I don’t know how all this is going to go. It’s not going to be easy.”

“I know,” I told him honestly. “And I don’t know how it’s going to work either.”

He paused, cupped my face, and didn’t let his gaze wander away from mine. “But you’re willing to give it a try?”


Grinning, he lowered his head to mine and kissed me. It was a sweet, slow kiss. An exploration and a reverie, but it didn’t take long before my legs were tangled with his once more and our hips were grinding together.

Caleb broke the kiss, rested his forehead against mine, and smiled. “Good, because I want to try too.”

I nudged his nose with mine. “Good.”

Then his lips met mine again, and our kisses quickly went back to that passionate fervor. Caleb grew hard against my thigh and groaned into my mouth when I pressed it against him.

“Right now though, I’m ready for round two,” he whispered into my ear, sucking the lobe into his mouth and nibbling on it.

I laughed, but my giggles turned into soft moans as his hands roamed my body and his lips hungrily crashed back to mine. Seconds ago, I’d thought I was sated. Under Caleb’s hands and mouth and strong, hard body, it wasn’t long before that throbbing ache started back up between my legs, and I grew desperate for him again.

Here we go again. I smiled as I reached for him, completely ready for it and moaning softly when I felt that he was too.

Chapter 21


I woke up the next morning hard as a rock and ready for another round. I couldn’t get enough of Kelly, and now that we’d decided not to end things after all, I was looking forward to many more mornings starting as well as this one was about to.

Before I so much as blinked my eyes open though, I knew that Kelly wasn’t in bed anymore. The floral scent of her clung to the sheets and her pillow, pressed all the way against mine. But her heat was absent from the bed. I groaned and rolled over, fanning my arm out to be sure, but I was met with nothing but cool bedding.

The blackout curtains in the suite were still drawn, but there was faint light coming from the kitchenette area. Sure enough, Kelly was there.

She was wearing one of my T-shirts and nothing else that I could see, a steaming mug of coffee in her hands as she balanced on a stool with her heel planted on its seat and her arms around the knee she was hugging to her chest.

Her eyes were fixed on a laptop screen. My laptop screen, to be exact. There wasn’t anything on there that she couldn’t see, so I wasn’t worried about that. What did worry me slightly was how she’d bypassed the password. I was pretty sure I hadn’t given it to her.

I walked up behind her, snatching the coffee from her hand and placing a soft kiss on her temple. “Good morning.”

She flashed me a smile and looked pointedly at the coffee. “Nothing good about it if you steal my coffee.”

“I’ll make you some more,” I promised, going about the heroic task of pushing a button on the machine and waiting for the other mug, already waiting in its slot, to fill. When it was filled with fresh coffee, I handed it to her. “Slaved away for the perfect brew.”

“I saw that.” She giggled, sipping at her new mug. “Mind you don’t overexert yourself.”

I clutched at my back like I’d thrown something out and then winked at her. “If I did, it wasn’t on account of the coffee.”

Kelly blushed, her cheeks taking on an adorable pink hue. “Oh hush. I didn’t hear you complaining about overexertion last night. Or this morning.”

Smirking, I nudged her with my hip and pulled up a stool of my own. “You wouldn’t have been able to hear me complaining over the screams.”

She opened her mouth, but I interrupted her by leaning in to kiss her. “But you wouldn’t have heard complaints anyway because there sure as shit weren’t any. As for the screams, don’t you dare Copyright 2016 - 2024