One More Step - Colleen Hoover Page 0,96

your sister are our little princesses and that little stinker”—I point to Alex who is lying with Amelia and Chloe, who loves her sisters and brother—“is our prince. Give me a smooch.” I bend down and kiss my daughter before going to my other girl and kissing her.

I pick Alex up, who is fading fast in my arms and turn to leave the room, finding my gorgeous husband leaning against the doorframe. I stop next to him. “They wanted to hear the story again.”

Walker leans down and kisses me. “Of course they did. It’s a great story. I’ll tuck the girls in and meet you in bed.”

I smile. “It’s a deal.” He bends down and kisses Alex’s chubby little face and then disappears into the girls’ room.

I get our boy all tucked in. He likes his sleep, so it takes no time at all before his breathing deepens and I know he’s out.

When I step into our bedroom, I find my sexy beast lying on top of the covers in his boxer briefs. I shut our door and strut over to him, trying to be sexy, but failing—I start to giggle as I climb into bed with him.

Walker wraps his arms around me, hugging me to his side. “They eat that story up, don’t they?”

“Yeah, but it’s a good story, it’s our story.” I smile at him.

“You’re damn right, baby. I love you, you know that, right?” He bends down, kissing me sweetly on the lips.

I nod and he rolls us so he’s on top of me between my thighs. Walker then goes about showing me with his body how much he loves me.

This is our story, and each time a chapter ends, I can’t wait to see what the next chapter brings.


Check out more titles by Evan Grace


A Midwesterner and a readaholic most of her life until one day an idea came into Evan’s head and a writing career was born. She's a sucker for happily ever afters and loves creating fictional worlds that others can get lost in. She loves putting her characters through the ringer, but loves when they get to that satisfying, swoony ending.

When the voices in her head give it a rest, which isn’t often, she can always be found with her e-reader in her hand. Some of her favorites include, Aurora Rose Reynolds, (the queen) Kristen Ashley, Kaylee Ryan, Natasha Madison, and Harper Sloan. Evan finds a lot of her inspiration in music, movies, TV shows and life.

She's a wife to Jim and a mom to Ethan and (the real)Evan, a weightlifter, a home healthcare scheduler, and a full-time author. How does she do it? She'll never tell.


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ONE MORE STEP would mean certain death.

Naked, with my dick and balls held protectively in my hands, I stand eye-to-eye with the man who could end my life as I know it. I sway on my feet, dizzy from the combination of last night’s tequila and middle of the night confusion.

“Coach?” My nuts retreat further into my body as I mutter the word. To some, it’s just a title. To those of us on the Bear State University football team a more accurate translation would be “God.”

“What the fuck are you doing in my house at two o’clock in the morning with your dick in your hands?” He’s in a t-shirt and his shorts standing at the edge of his bed.

I left the warm cocoon of a woman’s bed to take a piss. Stumbling down the dark hallway, I must’ve been turned around and walked into the wrong bedroom.

“I…” I swallow hard and feel the burn of last night’s booze crawl up my throat.

“Never heard you struggle for words before, Spider. You have a stroke?” His voice shakes like it does when I throw an interception with thirty seconds left in a game.

“I think maybe I have, Coach.” God’s honest truth. Everything above the neck feels like I’m in a dream while everything below is reacting in a violent flight response.

He takes a calculated step forward making me flinch. “Emery.”


His glare widens and even in the dim light I see fire in his eyes. His jaw clenches and unclenches.

I grip my junk a little tighter once I realize what I’ve done. I never did get her name. “Emily, yeah—”

“Emery you fucking scumbag!” He’s Copyright 2016 - 2024