One More Step - Colleen Hoover Page 0,78

Ianthe’s, but still the royal hue showed through. There was something about him that put her on edge yet calmed her at the same time. He didn’t seem like an aloof king, more like an expert poker player. But for a brief moment, there was a flicker of curiosity—then his carefully constructed mask slid back in place.

“You can imagine how surprised I was to bump into Angus in the hallway and hear we have a guest.” The king addressed them coolly, casually relaxing into his throne as if waiting for a long story to unfold. Maddock flinched while Torin merely rolled his eyes.

“I was just assessing the situation myself when we were told to come see you, my liege.” Torin explained.

“And what did you discover, Torin?” Lachlan’s lavender gaze drifted down to his spotless doublet, which he scratched at with his fingernail.

“It seems my son has been quite busy.”

“Wasn’t our last unexpected visitor also due to your son?” His gaze cut back toward Torin, and there was a sharpness to his voice that sent Callie’s pulse skittering, though Torin remained unfazed.

“Yes, she was, and while you may feel differently knowing my part in all this, please consider that I always have your best interests at heart.”

Torin began explaining who Callie was and how she’d come to be. Callie studied the king while Torin spoke, watching the changing landscape of his face, how he arched an eyebrow or scowled slightly at different points. Once she even caught the brief flicker of an amused smile before he caught himself.

When Torin was done, the Seelie king rose from his throne and approached her. She swallowed roughly as he neared, and the sky darkened to mirror her uncertainty, causing his eyes to widen slightly.

He reached forward, tipping her chin up to see the light grey swirls in her eyes. “Her magic is strong…stronger than I would have thought knowing how she was made.” The king turned toward Angus, who was standing guard by the door. “Angus, you may leave us now. Thank you for bringing this matter to my attention.”

Angus straightened with the words of praise and left them alone.

“Now, about the other visitor…” The king withdrew his hands and crossed them over his chest.

Callie’s breath shortened, chest heaving, and a crack of lightning flashed outside. Maddock moved toward her, but Lachlan beat him to it.

He gently put his hands on her shoulders and stared into her eyes. “Take a deep breath, Callie. No one here is going to hurt you.” When that didn’t seem to have the effect he wanted, he added, “Or the girl you’re trying to protect. I won’t hurt her. I’m not mad at anyone here, not even Evin. In fact, I understand more than you think. She may have had those bloody contacts in the entire time, but heightened emotion tends to bring out our color more than we realize. When I last spoke to her, there was little she could do to hide the violet shining through.”

“So…you already know the truth about Ianthe?” Callie asked, her breaths evening out.

“Is that her name?” he asked, and Callie nodded in reply. “Then yes, I already knew the truth about Ianthe—the exiled Unseelie princess—and contrary to what some may think of me, I have no desire for war. I remember what the last one cost.” His lavender eyes flashed with pain for a moment, and she understood what he’d meant about heightened emotions.

“I quite enjoyed her while she was here. Tell me, is she still with Conall? Is that why he left his post?” Callie nodded, her mouth opening slightly in shock. The Seelie king certainly did know more than he let anyone realize.

“I wasn’t sure after what she witnessed in the garden, but it does confirm parts of Bronwen’s confession.” He glanced back at Maddock. “Was she telling the truth about the Changeling then? I mean, it still doesn’t justify her behavior, but now I am curious.”

Maddock bowed slightly, eyes cast down to the ground as he responded. “Yes, sire. I apologize for not saying anything sooner. I felt it was—”

“The best way for us to avoid a war—yes, yes, I understand that. However, I wish you would give me more credit.” The king waved his hand dismissively. “I assure you all I’m quite content with things as they are, and if anything, I look forward to making the future Unseelie queen an ally.”

“But she’s not their future queen. She never will be,” Callie stammered.

Lachlan smiled at her sadly, knowingly. Copyright 2016 - 2024