One More Step - Colleen Hoover Page 0,54

appropriate than Peggy.”

“Peggy is disarming. You don’t feel scared when you hear the name Peggy,” he teased.

“Oh trust me, I will never hear that name the same again. If I see a little old lady and her name happens to be Peggy, I’m going to be prepared for her to beat and mug me, leaving me on the sidewalk for dead,” I joked.

Evan laughed and increased his speed on the treadmill. Never one to be outdone, I increased my speed and enjoyed the few minutes of silence that settled between us until he spoke again.

“So what do you do, Bec?”

“I’m a photographer,” I answered proudly as I started to pant from the increased speed.

“No kidding? I love photography. If I hadn’t been strong-armed into the family business, I would have done something fun like that.”

“Fun,” I repeated. “Yeah. Usually it is.”


“Seems all fun and glamourous until your assistant takes a leave of absence just before your best friend’s wedding,” I said before turning to him. “And I think she is probably scarier than Peggy.”

“Your assistant or best friend?”

“Best friend. I haven’t told her yet that I’ll have to forgo one duty in order to fulfill the other.”

“Why’s that?”

“She’s pregnant.”

“Your friend?”

“No,” I laughed. “Okay, Shelby is my best friend and she’s getting married this weekend. I’m maid of honor…or was…and Hilarie, my assistant, was going to photograph until she was put on bedrest for the remainder of her pregnancy. I can’t be maid of honor and photograph the wedding…and why did I just tell you all of that?”

“Because I asked?” he questioned with a grin. “Don’t photographers help each other out?”

“Yeah, we do. But spring is a really busy time for weddings and we usually book a year in advance, so everyone’s weekends are tied up through fall.”

“So what are you going to tell your friend?”

“The truth. I just hope she doesn’t freak out because I really want her day to be special. And I’ll still be there, just not the way she was hoping.”


SLEEP DIDN’T COME easy and morning came too early.

Evan and I had talked until we were finished working out, and I had gone back to my apartment to make sure I had everything figured out for the next day. Shelby had called again but I’d sent her a text that I was up to my neck in edits and I’d call her the next day.

I’d had to buy myself some time to figure out how I was going to break the news about the situation my assistant’s absence created. Shelby’s wedding was supposed to be Hilarie’s first mostly solo gig, and I would be there to help when she needed it. I hated the idea that I was going to let Shelby down, but the writing was on the wall.

My camera bag was packed, and I was ready to get to the studio to start my day, but I had to call Shelby first. I inhaled a deep breath, picked up my phone and was waiting for her to answer when I heard a knock at the door. I glanced through the peephole and saw Evan standing there, so I opened it.

“Can I help you?” I asked. He smiled and was starting to speak when Shelby answered the phone.

“Hey, Bec! It’s about time you called me back,” she said.

“Hey, Shel,” I answered, holding my hand up to Evan. “Sorry. It’s been crazy around here.”

Evan waved his hand to get my attention and asked me to hang up. I was confused about what he was even doing at my apartment, but Shelby was going on and on about something and I was too distracted to pay attention.

“I’m sorry,” I interrupted her. “Give me a sec.”


I muted the phone and looked at Evan. “Did you need something?”

“No. But you do.”

“And that is?”

“Me,” he answered simply. “I mean, I can help you. With the wedding.”

“What are you talking about?”

“I thought about this all night. You need help, I happen to have a little free time on my hands for the next two weeks, until I officially take over.”

“Why would you do that?”

“Because my dog scared you? Because I don’t know anyone in the area besides you? Because I enjoyed your company last night…you pick.”

“Evan, that’s very sweet of you, but I can’t ask you to do that.”

“And you didn’t. From what you told me, you’re in a tight spot and I can help.”

“The wedding is five days away.”

“Then we don’t have much time to debate this.”

I looked at the phone Copyright 2016 - 2024