One More Step - Colleen Hoover Page 0,29

caramel macchiato. “A peace offering for interrupting your reading time?”

“You’re forgiven,” I say, taking both cups. I double fist them and take a sip out of the one on the left. “Mmm… I swear this is liquid crack.”

“Uh, Jules, the other one is for Mason.”

“Excuse me?”

Colin nods and points to the cup in my right hand. “I felt bad for sending you a customer during your scheduled reading time, and then I felt bad that he had to be the one to actually interrupt your reading time, because we all know what a bear you can be when that happens. Anyway, when I saw you two still sitting here, I thought a nice, warm drink would smooth things over.” Colin smiles at Mason. “She doesn’t like her reading time to be interrupted.”

“I’ve gathered. What’re you reading?” Mason asks, reaching for the cup. I try to pull my arm back, but there’s only so far you can go in a tiny car.

“None of your business,” I say, releasing the cup with a huff. “You better drink all of that.”



SHE’S FEISTY, AND I love it.

“Oh, I will.” I tilt the cup toward Colin. “Thanks, bro.”


Juliette looks at me over the rim of her drink. Her green eyes are filled with uncertainty, and if I’m not mistaken, a hint of curiosity.

The feeling is definitely mutual, sweetheart. You’re the first girl in years to grab my attention, and I’m not sure what to think about that.

“You have beautiful eyes,” I murmur, fighting the urge to brush a chunk of hair out of her face so I can get a better look.

Said eyes widen at the unexpected compliment.

Damn, hasn’t anyone ever told her how beautiful she is? High cheekbones, big eyes surrounded by dark lashes. A smattering of freckles across the bridge of her nose, and not a hint of makeup.

“Are you a serial killer?” she asks.

“Do I look like one?”

“No, but that doesn’t mean anything. Ted Bundy was handsome too.”

“I don’t know whether to be offended that you compared me to Ted Bundy or flattered that you think I’m handsome.”

Juliette snorts.

It’s adorable.

She’s adorable.

“I don’t… I mean…” She shakes her head. “I never said…” She stumbles over her words and finally snaps her mouth shut.

I smile, because her breath catches every time I do it. I like knowing I have that sort of effect on her. “So, I’m not handsome?”

“Quit putting words into my mouth.”

“Well, which one is it?”

I can tell by the look on her face that she knows there’s no way around this one. She either has to admit that she finds me attractive, or risk insinuating that I’m ugly.

Juliette rolls her eyes. I’m normally not a fan of the gesture, but on her, I find it cute. “You’re not really going to make me say it, are you?”

This time I can’t resist. I lean forward, brush my hand along the apple of her cheek, which now holds a beautiful shade of pink, and whisper, “Yes, I am.”

Her head tilts toward my hand. The movement is subtle—most observers probably wouldn’t notice. But I do.

“Yes,” she says softly. “You’re handsome. But you don’t need me to tell you that. I bet you have women falling at your feet.”

She’s right. I do, but I’ve never found that sort of behavior attractive in a woman. But this…this push and pull, her making me work for it, is really doing something to me.

I’ve spent the last several years working, building my clientele, and never had time for women, let alone a relationship. I never wanted to have time. But now I’m settled—at least I’m trying to settle, if I can ever get my little spitfire here to take me where I need to go—and maybe it’s time I open myself up to the possibility of something outside of work. Something along the lines of a date with a beautiful brunette.

“Wow. Is it getting hot in here, or is just me?” Colin’s voice breaks through our lusty fog.

Juliette closes her eyes. “It’s thirty degrees out,” she says.

I glance over her shoulder in time to see Colin loosen the bow tie around his neck. “Well, if the heat you two are producing is making me hot, you must be burning up.”

“Goodbye, Colin.”

“Goodbye, Jules. Mason…” He nods and turns to walk back inside.

I lift my hand in a wave, and as soon as Juliette rolls up her window, I say, “You two are—”

“Just friends.”

“Friends with benefits?”

Her eyes widen. “No. Just friends. We’ve known each other since kindergarten—not that it’s any Copyright 2016 - 2024