One More Step - Colleen Hoover Page 0,225

the book, but I’m having trouble writing about the relationship they develop because I’ve never had feelings for a married man. I’ve never felt like the other woman. There are so many ways a relationship with a married man would differ from a more traditional relationship. Not only would you not be able to go public with it, even to your closest friends, but you would have to go to great lengths to keep it private.

What would that feel like? To love a man who can only love you part-time?

I’ve been staring at my screen for an hour. Saint’s business card is sitting on the table next to my computer. I’ve been at war with myself over whether or not to call him.

I settle on a compromise with myself.

I’ll text him.

I keep in mind that his wife might see this message, so I keep it professional.

This is Megan. I have a research question if you have time for it.

He doesn’t text me back as quickly as he did the last time I texted him. I watch the phone for a moment…waiting for the dots to appear. They don’t.

I stare at my computer for several minutes, wondering if I shouldn’t have sent the text. I know I shouldn’t have sent the text. But I feel more disappointment that he didn’t answer right away than I do guilt from sending it.

I need to busy myself, so I go to the kitchen to cook dinner and leave my phone on the table. I make a salad and grill a chicken breast. I eat my entire meal while staring pathetically at my phone.

I guess he really does regret that kiss.

I take my plate to the sink and begin rinsing it, but I almost drop it when I hear my phone buzz. I turn off the water and rush to my phone. I can feel a swirl of excitement roll through my entire body when I see it’s a response from Saint.

Are you having writer’s block again? More than happy to help. ;)

Holy shit. He even added a wink.

I wasn’t expecting that. I wasn’t even really expecting him to respond, but that reply proves that we’re both on the same page after that kiss a couple of days ago.

Yeah, I guess you could say that. After you left the other night, I wrote several chapters. But today I’m stuck.

What’s tripping you up?

I’m not sure I know how it feels to be the other woman. I have no idea how to describe things between Cam and Reya because I have no idea how often she would be thinking about his wife or the future of their relationship when they’re together.

Are Cam and Reya in love?

Yes. Very much in love.

So you’re wondering how two people who are in love would navigate a normal night together, when one of those characters is married?

Yes. Exactly that.

It sounds like you would need to experience that firsthand. Research can only go so far, I’m assuming.

Experience has definitely proven helpful in the recent past.

It would be rude of me not to help you. I can be there in an hour.

I would appreciate that.

I calmly set my phone back down on the table, but my reaction is anything but calm right now. I want to scream. This entire situation is insane. I can’t even believe I’ve gotten myself involved with this guy, but again—it’s for research.

That’s all. Research.

How long can I keep telling myself that?

I only have one hour before he gets here. One hour to shower, dry my hair, brush my teeth, make my bed, and clean up two days’ worth of complete laziness.

I spend the better part of the next hour worrying more about how I look than the state of the cabin. By the time I get the dishes finished, Saint is pulling into the driveway. I down the glass of wine I’ve been nursing for the past hour, and then I wait until I hear his knock before I head to the door.

He’s back in uniform this time, but he’s holding a change of clothes in his hands. I’m staring at the clothes when he says, “I didn’t have time to run back to the station to change. Mind if I change here?”

I shake my head and point behind me. “Bathroom is through that door.”

He doesn’t even wait to be invited inside. He just grins that devilish grin and then steps forward, slipping a hand around my neck. His lips meet mine and I’m greeted with a kiss, as Copyright 2016 - 2024