One More Step - Colleen Hoover Page 0,172

few remaining passengers backed up when they saw the topless woman with the gun.

This must have been terrifying for them. It was terrifying for me. I mean, at least I knew I was heading for a sketchy situation from the jump. They were just trying to get from point A to point B.

Eight leaped over me and Deal closed the door. I was able to pull my feet in at the last second. And we were off.

“Todo mundo desce! Everybody get down!” The gunfire lit up the bus, the windows exploding around us.

Eight grabbed the back of my shirt and pulled on me until I crawled in the first seat behind Deal.

“We gotta get these people off the bus,” Eight yelled at Deal while looking out the windows.

“I have to get us away first, lady pants.”

Deal was driving like an insane person. The passengers yelped and screamed as we rounded corners on two wheels. I slid my bike shirt off my back. I was barefoot and clad in only my bike shorts and a sleeveless t-shirt. I held the shirt out to Eight.

“For the boobs!” I hollered over the commotion.

She ignored my offer, so I set the shirt on the seat next to me. Maybe that was offensive here. I wasn’t trying to be a prude dick, I just wanted to be a gentleman. And that was hard to do with the boobs. My eyes kept going to her chest.

Eight gave Deal directions from time to time. It felt like a million years before Deal screeched to a halt.

“Saia! Out now!” Eight projected.

The passengers didn’t hesitate and scurried off the bus, launching some words at her that I didn’t understand, but I could tell they were pissed.

Eight grabbed my bike jersey and slipped it over her head. Somehow the thin yellow material made her boobs even more obvious. My hard-on was doomed. He was scared, but also doomed.

Deal took off again. Eight told him she had a car in a parking garage a few blocks away.

“This is what you want?” Deal asked.

That they could have a conversation while we were running from murderers blew my mind. Or maybe they were murderers, too, and this was their regular commute to work?

“I want him safe. And his niece. And his brother’s family.” She was standing near Deal, gripping a metal handrail for stability. “I didn’t know asking for my favor involved convincing you I knew what I wanted.”

Deal took two hard turns, tipping the huge bus one way and then another. He came to another squealing stop, the rubber from the tires smoking and instantly smelling toxic.

“Your wish is my command, Camber.”

Her face softened briefly before she swung toward me and pulled on my arm. “Take his gun.”

Deal held his pistol out to me, grip side offered up. I took it from him and let myself get tugged down the stairs.

We ran flat out to a parking garage as Deal took off.

“He’s going to lead them away from us.” Eight made her way through the garage like she had lived in the building for ten years. She moved next to a red Puma GTE, crouched to free a key from the undercarriage, and unlocked the car door.

I got in on the other side. The car was in mint condition and roared to life with a purr. We both put on our seatbelts. She took a second to pull her hair up and tuck it into a bun, revealing the nape of her neck which I really wanted to trail a beautiful set of kisses down. Her eyes were waiting for mine as she held out a black ball cap. “Wear this and slump down.”

I did as she said.

“Is Camber your real name?” I think it was the way her earlobes looked so biteable that prompted me to ask her.

Her mouth slid into an amused smirk. “You pay attention when there’s gunfire?”

She took the Puma out of the garage carefully, like she was a mom on the way to a soccer game with the whole team in the car.

“I guess. You drive much better than Deal.” I felt instantly more comfortable as she put on her blinker to turn left.

“You’ve gotten yourself into a heap of trouble, Case.” We waited at the lights, following the rules of the road. The dark tint on the windows gave me another layer of comfort.

I gazed out the window and, sure enough, I saw one of the resort's transport vans trolling through a cross street. Eight turned Copyright 2016 - 2024