One More Step - Colleen Hoover Page 0,103

a little.” This woman is unpredictable, and yet, her cunning has me aroused and captivated in the worst way.

“I should probably go.” She releases her hold on me and a frustrated growl bubbles up from my chest. She slips out from between me and the wall, moving to the door as I brace my weight and catch my breath. “I’ll see you tonight.”

“Tonight? Where—” The door closes behind her and I’m left alone, bare-ass naked with a nasty case of blue balls and my towel at my feet. After a series of deep breaths, I straighten up, wrap up as best I can, and storm out of the room.

Carey, Kaipo, and Loren are there waiting for me, eyes wide and obviously trying to avoid my not-so-quickly deflating hard-on.

“Dude.” Kaipo says. “You and Coach’s daughter?”

I’m already committed, my dick insisting to have it no other way. “Yeah, I guess so.”

He ignores my boner but keeps his distance to give me an awkward high-five. “You got brass balls. Coach’ll make you pay for slipping it to his little princess.”

Carey shakes his head in disapproval. “I can’t believe you’re going for it.”

“Why not?” Loren blurts. “She’s fucking hot. I’d take Coach’s bullshit any day to get a chance with pussy that pretty.”

“Watch your fuckin’ mouth.” I’m about to lunge when Carey’s shocked gasp derails me.

“Oh no,” Carey mutters with horror in his voice. “Don’t tell me…” He squints. “You’re actually falling for her.”

“No. It’s just sex.” And no matter what I’m feeling inside, it’ll always only be just sex, because that’s all I’m capable of.



FINDING OUT WHERE Theodore lives was easy. I asked a few cheerleaders in my psychology class and after they gave me a long hard look and dismissed me as a sexual threat, they spilled the address.

My Uber pulls up to the gigantic house just before nine o’clock at night. I was expecting an overgrown yard littered with beer bottles and rusty workout equipment, not something out of a Martha Stewart magazine.

I knock on the front door and smooth my pleated, tartan skirt that hits just above the knee. I check to make sure the silk scarf tied and bowed under my oxford collar is centered.

“Coming!” The door swings open to reveal a super-muscled guy with dark skin and a playful smile. “Emery, right?”

With my shoulders stiff and my spine straight, I nod. “Yes. Is Theodore available?”

“Theod—girl,” he chuckles. “You’re not gonna get anywhere with that man by calling him Theodore.”

I don’t smile outwardly, but he must see the grin in my eyes.

“Okay, Emery, I see you.” He laughs and opens the door wide with a smile. “Come on in, then.”

I step inside the entryway; it’s so tall and wide my footsteps echo.

“Yo, Spider! You have company!” He waits with me at the foot of the staircase.

“Why do you call him Spider?”

“His last name’s Web, and he throws a football like he’s got eight arms.”

“Spiders have eight legs. Not arms.”

“Who’s to say they’re not arms?”

I shrug. “Science.”

“No one listens to that.” A mischievous grin tilts his lips. “Do you know sign language?”

“I know a little, yes.”

“You know…” He lifts a brow. “My dick can speak sign language.”

I crack a smile. “Really?”

“Oh yeah. Feel like having a conversation?” He braces his hands on hips and rolls them forward and backwards. “Right now, he’s telling you he likes your headband.”

“Your dick has great taste.”

He wiggles his hips again. “My dick says thank you—”

“Put it away.” The menacing growl comes from the top of the steps where Theodore stands gloriously topless scowling down at us.

“All right, all right,” Kaipo winks at me. “I’ll see you around, Coach’s daughter.”

“See ya.” I turn to look up at Theodore, who hasn’t moved to come down to meet me, so I guess that means I’m making the trip up. I stop two steps before the landing.

“How did you know where I live?”

“I’m not giving away my secrets.”

His glare tightens.

“May I?” I motion to the two steps still between us.

He stiffly nods—one quick jerk of his chin.

I tentatively wrap my fingers around his tattooed hand. Two breaths later and his fingers curl around mine. “See, that’s not so hard is it?”

He doesn’t answer in words, but his expression softens in resignation. He shows me to his bedroom, closing the door behind me. Once again I’m surprised by how clean it is.

“Have a seat.” He motions to one of the two chairs in his room.

I ignore the chairs and sit at the edge of his bed. He watches with Copyright 2016 - 2024