One Moment Please (Wait With Me #3) - Amy Daws Page 0,55

and sets his beer down. He steps toward me so we’re only inches apart. “Lynsey’s testing out this situation because she’s the kind of person who needs to know she’s given her all to something before she moves on. It’s one of the things I love about her. When she realizes your all isn’t good enough, she’ll move on, and I’ll be there for her when she does. Like always.”

He steps back, releasing me from his intense scrutiny and without another word, turns and walks out of my house. Too bad it won’t be for the last time.

“Do you guys want to find out the sex?” the ultrasound tech asks as I lay with my eighteen-week pregnant belly hanging out on the exam table.

“How have we not discussed this?” I ask.

Josh sits beside me in his blue scrubs, having popped over from his shift at the ER to be here for the anatomy scan.

“We’ve discussed a lot of other things.” Josh shoots me a pointed expression, and then turns his focus to the tech. “Lynsey loves her new job. Her favorite color is purple. She lives for tropical drinks. Nonalcoholic for now, of course.” The tech smiles like we’re some adorable couple, clearly having no clue that we’re not in a relationship, and Josh is being a total smart-ass right now. “She’s obsessed with making charcuterie boards and eating French silk pie but only the kind they make at the hospital cafeteria. And Oreos are basically a food group.”

I whack him in the arm which has kind of become my punching bag as of late. “I find it highly offensive that the majority of the things you just listed involve food.”

He presses his lips together. “You do talk about food a lot.”

“Only because you won’t respect the fact that charcuterie can serve as an entire meal!”

He rolls his eyes, and I clench my hands into frustrated fists. Living under the same roof, even though I have a separate bedroom and bathroom down the hallway from Josh’s room, has certainly been interesting. And I too have learned a great deal about the man whose baby I’m carrying.

For example, Josh has an extremely dry sense of humor. He says things that are meant to be taken in jest but he doesn’t smile while he says them, so people often completely miss the humor.

I don’t miss it.

Mostly because a lot of things he says are at my expense. He likes to tease me about how many times I change my outfit before work every day and then chastise me for walking back and forth from my bedroom to the bathroom in only my bra and panties. I explain to him that if the master bath was as awesome as the guest bath, I would have taken his room, and he wouldn’t have to see me walking around in my skivvies. But since I wanted the guest room and bath and it’s a struggle to find clothes that don’t slide down my ass when I need to get down on the floor to work with Dr. Gunthrie’s young patients, he just needs to suck it up and try to look the other way. Although him looking the other way just resulted in the two of us colliding in the hallway when I was nearly naked…twice.

Thankfully, Josh’s teasing doesn’t seem as dickish as I once thought. In fact, I think it’s how he shows someone he’s comfortable with them. And I’m getting more comfortable with him too.

“I think I want to be surprised,” I blurt, and then turn to gauge Josh’s reaction.

He shrugs, seeming completely uninterested in this decision. “Works for me.”

I turn and nod my confirmation to the tech. “We’re keeping it a surprise.”

“Okay,” she says, running her probe around my belly one more time. “Then everything else looks great. Baby’s measurements are right on track for a due date of August 14th. The doctor will be in to chat with you both shortly. You can get dressed while I print your photos.”

I sigh, looking at the small belly I’m currently rocking as the tech wipes away the ultrasound gel. I read in one of the baby books that it takes a while for a belly to pop with a first pregnancy and boy was that true for me. When mine popped, it really popped. I went from a pie belly to a baby bump in the blink of an eye.

Which makes me anxious because we still haven’t told our parents. Josh seems chill Copyright 2016 - 2024