One Little Dare - Whitney Barbetti Page 0,60

his shoulder. He wrapped an arm around me, holding me close, as we sat in the quiet facing the serene lake. I said the only thing I could think to say. “I wish I’d known him.”

“I wish that too. Marrying a stranger in Vegas is just the kind of thing he’d do.”

“I bet he would be thrilled that you did.”

His lips pressed the top of my head. “I hope you’re right.”

A loud smack to the side of the truck startled us apart. “Are you guys parking or are we going fishing?” Vince hollered on the other side of the passenger window.

“Let’s go,” Liam said, opening the driver’s door and helping me down.

“I’ll help you get her in the water,” Seth said, climbing into the truck while Liam climbed onto the boat and they backed out of the parking space and headed toward an empty boat launch.

“Hey Tori!” Nicole said, embracing me. “Are you going to fish too?” She shook the pole in her hand.

“That’s the plan.”

I hugged Naomi who shook her head at Nicole. “My body hasn’t seen the sun in months—I’m going to spend my time tanning. And probably drinking. Who knows when I’ll get this opportunity again?”

“With twins?” Nicole asked, leading us down to the dock. “Probably not until they’re walking.”

Naomi harrumphed. “When they’re both mobile, I’ll be actively working to keep them contained. Not exploring the great outdoors.”

I watched Liam direct Seth as they backed the boat into the water. Vince and Chad unhooked the trailer and grabbed the ropes Liam tossed to them to tether the boat to the dock so the rest of us could get on while Seth parked the truck.

It had been so long since I was last out on the water. At least a year, I thought. There was something so freeing about being away from concrete buildings and asphalt roads, with endless dark water beneath you. I leaned back on the shaded spot I’d found behind the driver’s seat and let the wind tangle and untangle my hair.

The conversation Liam and I had in the truck played over and over in my mind. He had spilled his soul to me, someone he barely knew. But even that thought had me questioning so much. What facts were indicative of knowing someone? Was it the basic shit, like their favorite color, their favorite animal, their favorite food? Or was it their deepest regret, their most profound moment, the event that shaped their adulthood? Because I might not know what color Liam preferred or what he ordered when he went out to eat, but I knew that his mother’s death had irrevocably changed him, that his best friend’s death weighed on him. That he carried more blame than he should have and that he felt like he couldn’t confide in the people who would understand the most.

Even if I hadn’t already decided to stay with Liam for a few more days, I definitely would now.


Seth tossed me a beer from the cooler and then another to Chad. “Vince?” he asked, holding one silver can.

Vince shook his head and pointed to the stainless-steel bottle he had brought with him. “I’ve got a drink.”

Seth and I exchanged a look. “What’s that?” Seth asked, working to sound casual. The last thing we wanted was to set Vince off while we were all aboard a boat, away from land.

“Vodka.” Vince cast his line and set his pole in the holder.

“What else?”

Vince paused before taking a swig. “I have some soda if I want it,” he said, motioning to the cooler. His tone may have sounded relaxed, but his body language was anything but.

“Okay,” Seth said and exhaled. I cast my own line and tried not to think about the fact that I could already smell the alcohol fumes off of Vince.

“You good?” I asked Tori as she secured her bait.

“Great,” she said with her sunshine smile. She cast her reel effortlessly and then sat cross-legged at the back of the boat on the deck. Seth helped Nicole with her pole before she joined Tori on the floor.

Naomi was at the front of the boat, lounging across one of the sofas with her floppy hat over her face. Chad was engrossed in his phone, his brow furrowed.

I placed my rod next to Vince’s and joined Seth on the sofa directly behind the driver’s seat.

“I thought you were selling this?” Chad asked, setting his phone down to sip his beer.

“I was. Just haven’t found the time to list it. Glad Copyright 2016 - 2024