One Little Dare - Whitney Barbetti Page 0,104

brush it off. I didn’t have a spare shirt, and I knew I must reek now. I wanted to go home. I couldn’t take the stares, the gossip that was already brewing.

Before I could say anything, Adam was draping his leather jacket over my shoulders and steering me away from the people on the deck. Even with the jacket as protection, I couldn’t seem to control my reaction. My eyes filled for a moment, even as I blinked the tears back.

“Asshole,” Adam said under his breath as we moved to the front yard, right by a tree that was illuminated by a flood light. “I’m so sorry, Hollis.”

“Why are you apologizing?” I said, my lips trembling from cold and humiliation. I couldn’t reconcile this Adam, this caring and sincere Adam, with the Adam I’d spoken to hours earlier. He’d switched so fast that even if I hadn’t just been doused in beer, I might still be a little shell-shocked.

I couldn’t even look at him. I knew my hair was soaked, my shirt was soaked, and I had no idea how I was going to sneak this by my parents. Beer dripped into my eyes and stung, so I squeezed them tight but then a tear slipped out. This was probably the most embarrassing moment of my life. And the one guy I had crushed on forever got to witness it and the impending emotional explosion. I turned away from him, my fingers pulling the leather jacket tight around me. I wanted to burrow in it, to hide from everyone. But the smooth leather smelled like him and I was brought momentarily back to what just had happened. “Here,” I said, reluctantly pulling the jacket off of me. “I don’t want this to be ruined.”

“Shut up, Hollis.” He took the jacket from me and then grabbed one of my arms and shoved it through the arm hole. “Think I give a damn about the stupid jacket getting beer on it? You’re shivering.”

Tears spilled from my eyes. I wanted to snag Tori and run away from here, with my tail tucked between my legs. I would settle for melting into the giant pine tree at my back, but Adam had a firm grip on my elbows.

“Hollis,” he said, softer this time and clucked my chin up so he could look at me. I opened my eyes a moment and saw his concern. His eyes were twin black hole abysses, his eyebrows furrowed in concern. He was so beautiful. Poetic, in the way he looked at me.

His hands slid to cup my jaw and he stepped closer. I couldn’t even focus on him, not when I was so worried about how I must have looked. His breath washed over my face, but not in an unpleasant way. He was close enough to kiss me. And that sent my heart into a gallop. “Are you okay?”

We stared at each other one long moment. It could have been romantic, the way he held me, blocking much of the floodlight with his body. This was the moment, the time for something to happen. A little lean in and he could kiss me.

A droplet of ice cold beer slid down my spine and I arched in reaction. This wasn’t a moment from one of my books, nor was it a moment from any of the fairy tales I heavily consumed as a child. Adam hated me. I was soaked in beer and too embarrassed to ever admit that the note he received was written by me. The moment was ruined. And I was grieving as much for that as I was the fact that so many of our classmates had witnessed arguably my most embarrassing moment ever. And I had done nothing.


As always, the first line in my acknowledgments belongs to my family. I spent many hours, days, weeks missing out on time with you to nurture each and every book baby. I love you all.

To all the bold women in my life, to whom I dedicated this novel—thank you for inspiring me.

To my brother-in-law Nick, thank you for taking my kids when I would have had to solo parent, and giving them the memories I couldn’t while I was locked into my office. No matter what, you will always be their uncle.

To my brother Danny and sister-in-law Brittany, thank you for letting me crash on your couch for seven hours while I finished writing this book, and then immediately plying me with alcohol.

To my in-laws Stu and Sheri, thank you for giving my kids a trampoline so I could spend quarantine writing this outside to the tune of my kids’ happy screams.

To my people, the ones who were there during the process that was this book. My circle is small, but oh is it rich. I have so much more to say, but some things are private. To keep it brief:

Sona Babani, for being Ludacris. Awna Byenna.

Jade Eby, my beebee, for always being in my corner.

Whitney Belisle, for being one of the few people who make me feel like I can finish each and every book, and for helping me with last minute changes.

Talon Smith, for being the first person to finish this book, who told me to shut the hell up and just get it done (after I had my therapeutic shower cry).

Tiffany Silver, for being an actual angel.

Christina Harris & Kristen Johnson, for being my people.

Lex Martin, for helping me when I was in blurb hell.

Debbie Snyder, for being my only friend in Idaho and my forever Costco date.

Thank you to KP and Elise for the edits—I appreciate you both so much for dropping everything for me, every single time.

Thank you to my Barbetti Babes—for your endless love and support. You’re always there for me, and I appreciate you all so, so much.

I have one million bloggers to thank, for going out of their way to pimp my books AND me! I value your support and your time, so I thank you for all the times you shared my books with your followers. I know many of you also gifted copies of my books to your friends and/or hosted giveaways for my books. I truly thank each of you. I am AWED by you. You give so much of yourself for authors like me, and I hope you know that you are so deeply appreciated.

Thank you to all my readers. One of the best things about being an author is the relationships I form with the readers who reach out. I love getting to know you on my Facebook fan page, in my reader group, on Twitter or Instagram or email and, if we’re lucky, in person at a signing or at an Applebees or on a London train or wherever we both happen to be. You rock my world.

Finally, thank you to my Savior and Lord, Jesus Christ, for answering all of my prayers even when the answer aren’t ones I want. I am never defeated unless I give up. John 14:27

More Books by Whitney Barbetti

All books are available on Amazon


One Little Lie

Adam & Hollis

One Big Mistake

Keane & Navy

Hooked (dark romcom)

X & Lucy

Ten Below Zero

Everett & Parker

The Mad Love Duet

Six Feet Under (Book One)

Six & Mira

Pieces of Eight (Book Two)

Six & Mira

The Love in London Duet

The Sounds of Secrets

Samson & Lotte

The Weight of Life

Ames & Mila

The Bleeding Hearts Series

Into the Tomorrows (Book One)

Jude & Trista

Back to Yesterday (Book Two)

Jude & Trista

The He Found Me Series

He Found Me (Book One)

Julian & Andra

He Saved Me (Book Two)

Julian & Andra

About the Author

Whitney Barbetti is a mom to two and a wife to one, living in the northwest United States, where she spends her days writing full time and keeping her boys from destroying her house. She writes character-driven new adult and contemporary adult romances that are heavy on the emotional connection. You'll most likely find her curled up with a good book and a giant glass of wine, with Queen playing through her headphones.

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