One Fake Fiance - Jennifer Youngblood Page 0,55


The analytical side of her brain took over. She could see how this must look to Grandfather and Eric. It boggled her mind how quickly everything had developed between her and Lucas. Was she being rash? Warmth flowed into her, almost as if it had come from someplace else. No, she wasn’t being rash or reckless. It was right for her to be with Lucas. In some way she couldn’t fully understand or explain, she knew to the depth of her soul that she was supposed to be with Lucas.

He nodded. “I will.”

Her heart shouted in triumph. “That’s fantastic,” she beamed.

“I’m not sure that I’ll be able to convince Benjamin to change his mind,” Eric cautioned.

“Anything you can do to help would be great.” Elation flowed through her. She was halfway to her goal. Now that she had Eric on her side, she at least had a chance of changing Grandfather’s mind.

When the conversation was over, they both stood. “Thank you for taking the time to listen to me,” Magnolia said sincerely. Emotion rose in her throat as she swallowed. “I really appreciate the opportunity to speak my mind.” She could tell that Eric had really listened to her. It felt good to know that her life was on the right track.

A brief smile touched Eric’s lips. “Thanks for scheduling the meeting. It’s nice to hear your perspective. Lucas is a lucky man.”

“Thank you.” She practically skipped out of the room. She couldn’t wait to tell Lucas the good news! She’d just stepped into the hall when she barreled into Roman.

“Good morning,” he said with a chuckle as he caught hold of her arms to steady her.

She took a step back, extricating herself from his grasp. “Were you eavesdropping on my conversation?” It was interesting how she no longer felt any connection with Roman.

Confusion washed over his face. “Of course not.”

Her spine went ramrod straight. “Why were you standing outside the door?”

“I just spoke to your father. He told me the news about Lucas. He said you were in the study. I wanted to make sure that you were okay.”

Magnolia’s knees went weak. “What news?”

Concern touched Roman’s features. “I thought you knew.” He shook his head, his expression solemn. “I’m sorry.”

“Knew what?” she pressed.

Roman’s face paled. “Lucas left last night.”

Magnolia gasped, her breath leaving her lungs. Her knees buckled as Roman reached to catch her. An acrid hurt surged through Magnolia settling to a cold pit in her core. Her mind grappled with the words. “H—how could he do this to me?” Hot tears stung her eyes. She was vaguely aware that Eric had come out of the study. Her heart pounded out a frenzied beat, sounding like a jackhammer was in her ears.

“What’s going on?” he demanded.

“Magnolia has just learned that Lucas left the estate last night,” Roman responded.

“Left?” Eric boomed. His lips turned down. “Why?”

“I’m not sure,” Roman answered. “All I know is that he’s gone.”

Magnolia’s head burned like it was on fire. How could Lucas do this to her? They’d been planning their lives together. Had he gotten scared of the commitment? Had Grandfather threatened him? A wave of dizziness rolled over her, making her sick to her stomach. “T—there must be some mistake. I—I have to call him.”

“Take it easy,” Roman urged, “let’s get you somewhere where you can sit down.”

She jerked her arm away from his grasp. “No!” she seethed, venting all her rage on Roman. “I need to talk to Lucas now!” She couldn’t think straight. Everything was coming at her too fast.

Roman held up his hands, a wounded look on his face. “Okay. I won’t stand in your way.”

“No one will stand in my way,” she hissed as she stumbled past him and ran down the hall. She went to Lucas’s room and threw open the door. The bed was neatly made, his luggage gone. A sob of panic wrenched her throat. She rushed to her room and grabbed her phone. With a shaky hand, she called Lucas. Despair cut at her insides when it went straight to voicemail. “It’s me.” Her voice broke. “Why did you leave? Call me!” She sent him a text, demanding that he contact her. Nothing. Her brain raced, trying to figure out what to do. She called Lexi. It also went to voicemail. She left a message asking Lexi to call her.

She sat down on her bed. For an instant, she felt disconnected from herself. Then, the scope of the situation steam rolled over her, streaming tears Copyright 2016 - 2024