One Fake Fiance - Jennifer Youngblood Page 0,45

she marries you?”

“My feelings for your granddaughter are not contingent upon the money.” Lucas leveled a hard glare at Benjamin. “In fact, my advice to Magnolia before we arrived was to forget the money.”

Benjamin’s jaw went slack. “Really?” he huffed like he didn’t believe a word out of Lucas’s mouth.

Lucas released Magnolia’s hand, giving her a reassuring look. He leaned forward, locking eyes with Benjamin. “It doesn’t matter what I say. You’ve already made up your mind about me.”

A hard amusement simmered in Benjamin’s eyes as he smiled. “I’ve always admired a man who can call things as they are.” He looked at Magnolia. “Forgive me for being a doubting Thomas, but a short while ago, you were telling me how in love with Roman you were.” He paused. “I’m not sure what to believe.”

The comment came at Lucas like a sucker punch. He gave Magnolia a questioning look.

“I did tell my grandfather that,” she admitted, “because I wanted him to accept Roman so that I could get my inheritance.” She searched Lucas’s face. “I realize now that I was never in love with Roman. You’ve made me realize that,” she added quietly.

Irritation sparked through Lucas as he turned to Benjamin. “I hope you realize what an impossible situation that you and your late wife have put your granddaughter in.” His voice gathered intensity. “She has a right to her inheritance. Look at what you’re doing to her. She’s your only granddaughter. Don’t you want her to be happy, to find love?”

“Of course I do,” Benjamin snapped, his face taking on blotches of color. “I also want to protect her from gold diggers such as yourself.”

“That’s not fair,” Magnolia broke in. “I love Lucas and he loves me.” Her voice caught as she gave her grandfather a pleading look. “Why can’t you see that?”

“Because he doesn’t want to see it, that’s why,” Lucas seethed.

“I beg your pardon,” Benjamin said frostily. “Don’t presume to put words in my mouth.”

“What do you want from me?” Magnolia cried. “I’m doing everything that you and grandmother asked of me.”

Benjamin placed the fountain pen back into its stand. He sat back in his seat and rested his elbows on the arms of the chair. He steepled his fingers, perching them beneath his chin as he zeroed in on Magnolia. “So, your feelings for Roman Abbott are dead and gone?”

“Absolutely,” Magnolia shot back, lifting her chin. “Like I said, I never truly loved Roman.”

Benjamin tipped his head, a trace of amusement pushing over his features. “And yet, you were so devastated by his betrayal.”

Lucas sensed a trap. He glanced at Magnolia, his eyes warning her to choose her words carefully. Benjamin was a crafty spider. He tried to figure out Benjamin’s angle. The man was wealthy beyond belief. Why would he try to prevent his only granddaughter from getting her inheritance?

“Yes, I was.”

“If you didn’t love Roman, then why were you so devastated?”

Anger streaked over Magnolia’s features. “For starters, I didn’t appreciate being cheated on.”

“That’s understandable,” Benjamin said with a nod. “Also, Roman’s misstep left you without a fiancé.”

“That’s true,” Magnolia conceded.

Tread lightly, Lucas’s mind warned. The old man was setting a trap.

“Then, you met Lucas a day later,” Benjamin inserted sardonically, “and your problems were solved.”

“I didn’t recently meet Lucas,” Magnolia stammered. “He’s the older brother of one of my best friends from childhood. We reconnected, and things took off from there.”

“I see.” Benjamin drummed his fingers on the table. “Going back to Roman. Did he know about your inheritance?”

“No,” Magnolia answered hesitantly.

Benjamin’s voice grew contemplative. “Why didn’t you tell Roman about the trust?”

The words trembled from Magnolia’s lips. “Because I wanted him to love me, for me.”

Benjamin held up a finger. “Exactly. And yet, you told Lucas about the trust. Why?”

Magnolia’s face was beet red. Not having an adequate answer for his question, she merely shook her head and looked away.

“I’ll tell you why.” Benjamin’s words flew out like razor-tipped darts, not only finding the chink in Lucas and Magnolia’s armor, but decimating it. “Because you were desperate to find a husband, so you could get your inheritance.”

A white-hot anger seared through Lucas. Benjamin was twisting things around, attempting to drive a wedge between him and Magnolia. No wonder Magnolia had been so apprehensive about coming here. No wonder she kept reiterating that the two of them had to present a united force.

A single tear rolled down Magnolia’s cheek. She swiped it away with a jerky movement. “Do you not want me to get Copyright 2016 - 2024