One Fake Fiance - Jennifer Youngblood Page 0,4

guy that she would marry in a few short weeks. A guy she was supposed to have a child with. The task seemed impossible, filling her with dread. “I’m not feeling well. I’m going to go and lay down.”

Lucas raised an eyebrow. “Don’t leave on my account. I’ll go.”

“Good riddance,” Magnolia muttered, grinding her teeth.

Fury flashed in Lucas’s eyes as he turned to Lexi. “You remember what I said about those hoity toity divas? Well, there she is … in the flesh.”

He thrust the bouquet into Lexi’s hand. “See ya, sis,” he quipped as he turned on his heel to leave.

“Don’t let the door hit you on the way out,” Magnolia taunted.

“Hold it!” Lexi ordered the second before Lucas stepped through the door. “Both of you! This stops now! You’re both acting like spoiled brats. It’s time to talk turkey.” She turned to Magnolia, eyes blazing. “You need a fiancé.”

Lucas choked out an incredulous chortle. “A what?”

Lexi spun around to him. “And you need a ranch! If y’all will sit down and talk like rational adults, then just maybe you might be able to help one another.”

Lucas frowned. “What’re you talking about?” He looked from Lexi to Magnolia. “Somebody had better start talking,” he demanded.

Magnolia scoffed. “What’re you gonna do if we don’t—stomp us to pieces with those filthy boots?” She shook her head in disgust. “A decent man would’ve at least gotten dressed up for the date.” She lifted her chin, folding her arms over her chest.

Amusement touched his features. “Honey, where I come from, this is dressed up.”

“Quit calling me honey,” she snapped. She wanted to charge at Lucas, rip that smirk off his face.

A hard smile wrapped his lips. “That’s right, Magnolia, you don’t know the meaning of honey, do you?”

Heat torched Magnolia’s cheeks. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

“You’re all spit and vinegar.” A derisive chuckle sounded in his throat. “It’s no wonder that you need a fiancé. You’d probably have to pay some poor schmo to take you.” He turned to Lexi. “I wouldn’t wish that on anyone. I’m out of here.”

“Stop!” Lexi’s voice cracked like a whip. “We’re gonna sit down and talk. Now!” she growled.

Lucas pushed a hand through his hair. “Fine,” he muttered. “I can’t wait to hear this.”

Magnolia looked at Lexi. “This is a waste of time.”

Lexi gave her a steely look. “Do you have any better ideas?”

Magnolia’s silence was her answer.

“Your time’s almost up,” Lexi continued as she motioned to the couch. “I suggest you sit down and put a cork in that smart-aleck mouth.”

When she saw Lucas’s amused sneer, Magnolia’s anger sailed through the roof. She was about to launch into another tirade, but Lexi spoke first. Her tone held the sharp edge of a knife as she eyed Lucas. “And I’d advise you to stop being a bone-headed cowboy. Button your lips and listen.” Lexi’s outburst snuffed out any further conversation as they all three went to sit down.


“I didn’t realize that y’all had dated.” Lexi’s voice had the controlled authority of a mediator as she looked between Magnolia and Lucas. “Anyone care to tell me what happened?”

Lucas and Magnolia both sat in stubborn silence.

Lexi pressed on. “Fine. Since y’all won’t talk about it, then we’re moving past it.” She focused on Magnolia. “Why don’t you start by telling Lucas why you need a fiancé?”

The corners of Lucas’s mouth twitched. He had to fight hard to squelch his laughter. He couldn’t begin to fathom what events had led up to Magnolia needing a fiancé. Furthermore, he had no idea why Lexi thought he’d be a contender. What had Lexi meant by him needing a ranch? Was Magnolia trying to buy him off? None of this made a lick of sense.

Magnolia took in a breath as she pressed her lips together. Lucas was struck by her incredible beauty. Had she always been this attractive? If so, why hadn’t he realized before? His brain gave back an immediate response. Maybe because she was such a diva! Pretty is as pretty does. Magnolia was a siren—drawing unsuspecting men in so she could dash them against the rocks for sheer sport. Well, he refused to be one of her conquests.

His eyes seemed to break rank from good sense as he took in the long tresses of her glossy blonde hair, noting how the curls fell in soft waves, framing her heart-shaped face. She had the slightest bit of a dimple in her chin. Her shirt picked up the vivid green in her fiery Copyright 2016 - 2024