One to Chase - Tia Louise Page 0,95

favorite armchair, a blanket on her lap and Patrick sits at her feet holding her hand. She looks like a queen with her favorite prince waiting on her hand and foot. My ring is on her finger, and I’m pretty sure she hasn’t taken it off since I gave it to her.

“Are you hungry?” I ask from where I stand behind the couch. “Is anybody?”

Marcus is beside me. We arrived at the hospital together, and though we’d both showered and cleaned up, I was sure everyone could tell we’d spent the afternoon having mind-blowing sex and declaring our love for each other. The thought warmed my cheeks every time it drifted through my brain. Keeping my hands off him was nearly impossible.

Luckily, the entire focus of the group is on my mother, and with Bill present, the guys seem more interested in demonstrating their acceptance of him hovering over her. So far nobody’s noticed the man hovering around me, which is fine for now. The last thing I want is a scene or even a big discussion.

“I actually am hungry,” Sylvia says. “What shall we do, darling?”

Her question makes me smile. Although the condo is her place, we’ve shared it the last few months, and she’s including me in the hostess duties.

Marcus speaks up. “I don’t mind running out and picking up food for everyone.”

Patrick hops to his feet. “No way, man! You bought us all lunch two days ago.” He walks over and puts his hands on my shoulders. “Where’s a good place for takeout?”

I think back to last night, and our failed attempt at China Girl. “Asian’s always quick and easy.”

“Is Wasabi still open?”

“Yes, and I’m pretty sure we have their take-out menu.” I head to the kitchen, my brother right behind me.

“I’m getting ramen.” He says as I pull out the long, trifolded paper.

“Me too.” Scanning the list, I don’t even think before I ask. “Marcus, what do you want?”

He walks to where we’re standing. “Tuna tartar.”

“Good choice.” I glance up to see him smiling down at me, eyes full of love. Energy surges in my chest, and my cheeks warm.

“Yes, it is...” Patrick’s voice changes, but I hurry over to where Sylvia’s sitting. Bill’s sitting on the couch closest to her.

He might be a distraction, but I’m pretty sure we just blew our cover.

“What would you guys like?” I hand over the menu, and the two of them discuss. Stuart and Mariska fill out a sushi order.

Once everything’s together, I go to where Patrick’s in the kitchen still keeping his eye on how Marcus and I interact.

Playing it cool, I don’t go to where he’s standing, instead walking straight up to Patrick like no big deal. “I’ll call it in if you want to head on over.”

“Sure,” he says. “Marcus, how about riding with me?”

My eyes snap to his, but Marcus gives me a confident smile. “Glad to,” he says, and I feel a sinking sensation in my middle. A headache tingles in the center of my forehead.

The guys leave, and for a moment, I only stare at the door not knowing what might happen.

“I don’t mind calling,” Elaine says, taking the menu with all our items listed on it.

“Thanks,” I say softly.

* * *


The Japanese restaurant is out near where Amy and I had our first “business dinner” together, so I offer to drive. We’re in my Audi headed for I-94 in a few turns, and I’m waiting for him to say it. It was pretty impossible for Amy and I to hide our feelings, and Patrick was right there to bust us.

We’re on the Interstate when he gets to the point. “You sleeping with my sister?”

My eyes cut over quickly, and when I catch his stern expression, I can’t help a laugh. “I expected this from Stuart, not you.” Patrick has always been the more laid-back of the Knight brothers.

“I doubt he’ll think it’s funny either.”

That straightens me up, and to be honest, I like his big-brother guard-dog routine. I was the same way about Elaine—as much as she’d let me be.

So I put all my cards on the table. “I’m in love with your sister.”

“Why? You haven’t known her long.”

“True,” I nod. “But we’ve spent a lot of time together. We’ve shared a lot, and I’m pretty confident we’re right for each other.”

He doesn’t answer right away. Instead, he glances out the window a moment. “Amy’s a pretty girl—”

“She’s a beautiful woman,” I correct him.

Hazel eyes cut to me, and despite his surfer Copyright 2016 - 2024