One to Chase - Tia Louise Page 0,78

I say. I only know I need him. I need help. I can’t stay here alone tonight.

* * *


Amy sits on my brown leather sofa. She’s unusually quiet, her knees bent to her chest, still in the soft grey pants and dark tee. Her eyes fix on the black face of my giant television. I’d expected to be watching it all evening while I slowly got drunk. I haven’t even turned it on. Her hair is still in a messy bun with small bits loose around her face. She’s tired and vulnerable, and she looks like the best thing I’ve ever seen.

I’m working on getting some food in her. Mariska and I went to Snarf’s while they were at the hospital—Italian subs for the guys, a turkey and Swiss with avocado for Amy. Now I stand in my kitchen cutting the thick, seven-inch sandwich into four equal pieces, glancing at her occasionally.

Eschewing the whiskey (no need to go classic country anymore), I open a decent bottle of Chardonnay and pour two glasses. I’m a dick for being so happy she’s here after the shit morning she had, but fuck it. I’ve wanted her to spend the night with me since the day we met.

A scoop of chicken salad for each of us, and I take the two plates to the living room and set them on the dark mahogany coffee table. I’m headed back to the kitchen for our wine when she finally speaks.

“Your apartment is so cozy.” I love the sound of her voice, even now when it’s soft and a little fragile.

Turning back from the kitchen, I quickly inspect the large area. It’s predominantly hardwoods and overstuffed leather furniture. Books are everywhere, from fiction to leather-bound law books. “I pick up things that feel homey to me.”

“It reminds me of your office.”

That makes me laugh. We’re back to that old complaint. “I’ve already explained why.”

Her beautiful eyes blink up to me, and they’re a bit more relaxed. “Your office is an extension of your home because you’re a workaholic.”

“I don’t consider my job work.” I sit beside her on the soft leather sofa. “I like what I do.”

The smallest smile crosses her lips. “I know. I wrote your profile.”

Dammit. I want to kiss her and pull her onto my lap and spend the night making love to her. I can’t help feeling like we’re right on the edge of something big, and I’ll be damned if I let her slip away again. She looks down, that fragility returns, and I ease off the accelerator.

“See what you think of this.” I hand her a glass of wine.

She takes the delicate crystal and sips. “Mmm,” she nods. “Oak and concrete.”

“Conner Lee.” I lean forward to put my glass on the table.

“Washington State. No butter bombs there.”

Straightening, my eyes travel down the soft tendrils of hair framing her heart-shaped face. When her brothers arrived at the hospital, I braced myself for the fantasy to burst. I expected seeing her with them would jar me back to the reality of who she is and our position within our joined family.

It didn’t.

Seeing her interact with them, seeing her and Elaine together, all of it only cemented her deeper in my chest. We belong together. I’m only waiting for her to see it.

“You need to eat.” I hand her a plate.

The sandwich is now in inch-thick slices, and she takes a careful bite of one. I sample the chicken salad. A mix of sharp celery and sweet grapes cut by the smoky chicken and bitter walnuts fills my mouth.

“Mm, try this.” I stab another mouthful and hold it out to her. She only watches me a moment before taking it off the fork. The last time we shared chicken salad was on the boat.

“Good.” She nods and takes another sip of wine, and a faint line pierces her forehead. “Thank you. For today.”

“No need to thank me. I want you to call me when you’re in trouble or when you need me.”

Her lips tighten, and the fight is evident in all her body language. Mentally I remind myself, she called me twice today. I’m determined that means I’m winning.

“Good?” I don’t want to give her time to mount her defenses. I’ve got to keep her off her feet. “Snarf’s was one of my first favorite sub shops in the city.”

“You like subs?”

“Almost as much as pizza.” Giving her a wink I take another sip of wine.

Defenses relax a bit. A little smile appears. “Watch Copyright 2016 - 2024