One to Chase - Tia Louise Page 0,57

watch the lights flicker across his stony expression.

I don’t answer him. I can’t. We pass through a few traffic signals, and I see Mom’s building rising ahead of us. “This is my stop.”

Exhaling a frustrated noise, he pulls into a parallel space. “I’ll walk you up.”

“That’s not necessary.” I pull the handle and step out of his car.

Slamming the door, I’m headed fast for the glass doors of the front entrance, where a doorman stands looking out. In a swirl of heat, Marcus is at my side, catching my arm.

“Don’t make me put you over my shoulder.” His stern tone fills my mind with this weekend, and like Pavlov’s fucking dog, my mouth waters. Fight that.

My brain is slowly emerging from the fog of too much alcohol, and I find my fight. “Shouldn’t you be with Paige?”

Anger lines his handsome face, and his eyes move from my mouth to my eyes in a slow sweep, feeling almost as good as the kiss I know he wants to give me.

“I told her I needed to check on a friend.”

“So I’m a friend now.” I try to push past, to go inside, but he grabs my arm and jerks me back. We’re in the shadows, my back against the wall.

He leans in close, and the heat of his body clouds my brain. “You know you’re more than that.”

His words flip my stomach. I’m so messed up. I asked him for space, and he gave it to me. I wanted him, and he’s here in front of me. Only, he was with someone else tonight. Is it cheating if he was mine first? Mine? Did I actually think that word?

“Oh, god.” I sigh, turning away from his confusing heat. “You humiliated me in front of Karen.”

Large hands are on my shoulders. His thumbs trace tingling lines along the sides of my jaw. “What was that about?”

Pulling away from his touch, “I don’t want to talk about it.” My chest clenches, and I drop my face into my hand. “I wish...”

I’m in his arms, his body burning mine. “What do you wish?”

The words are barely a whisper. “I wish I could fly away from here.”

I feel him gently move me to face him again, sliding the hair off my cheek. “We could fly together.”

Blinking my eyes open, we’re so close. A breath, and our lips would meet. My brow collapses. “Why are you with her?”


“Don’t answer that.” Jerking away, I turn to the side. “I don’t have the right to ask it.”

“Amy.” He touches me so gently. “I meant everything I said to you on that boat.”

“The boat.” A whisper. A wish. “I thought you’d understand.”

“I don’t.” Warm breath dances across my cheek. “But I want to.”

Tears gather in my eyes, and I can’t speak.

Large hands circle my waist. “I want to kiss you.”

I want that so much. “I’d better go inside.”

“I know. Sylvia.”

Our eyes meet, and I see the break in his.


No allowing any time for us to hesitate or make a wrong choice, I push off and run to the doors.

Chapter 14: Surprise Guest


I’ve managed to get myself under control by the time I reach the door of Sylvia’s condo. I want to go inside, lie on the couch with my head in her lap and let her smooth my hair. I want my mom. I need to spend more time with her. I wouldn’t be in this ridiculous situation if I kept my focus on why I’m here.

Pushing through the door, a voice meets me, and the blood runs cold in my veins. My mother is sitting in the living room. The lights are low, and she’s speaking in broken strains of French.

“I’m horribly out of practice!” She shakes her head and laughs lightly. “I should have visited Amy more while she was in Paris, but I didn’t expect her back so soon!”

“That makes two of us.” Armand’s voice confirms what my eyes are trying to reject, and I almost run back out the door. “I wasn’t expecting her to leave either.”

Before I can do anything, I’m spotted. Across the room, his dark eyes flicker up to capture mine, and my heart stops. All the sadness and confusion and wrecked emotions I’d been struggling with in the street twists into a hard fist of anger. What the fuck is he doing here?

As if reading my mind, his expression braces. “It seems she’s arrived.”

“Amy!” Sylvia hops up and turns to greet me. “You never told me you met such a distinguished gentleman Copyright 2016 - 2024