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to tie up Stuart and Mariska’s story (wink!). Stuart is one sexy cowboy, who became a reader favorite. In the process, I’m sure I’ll get to the bottom of the Sylvia and Bill story as well. So stay tuned, One to Take will be out Fall 2015! I’ve already started the Pinterest board here:

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As always, let me know what you think of my books! Email me your thoughts, feedback, what you liked—even what you didn’t like! I really like hearing from readers.

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Finally, if you enjoy my books, I hope you’ll leave a short, sweet review! Reviews help indie authors more than you know.

Thank you again for spending time with me. I hope to hear from you soon!

Stay sexy,

<3 Tia

Extra! Extra!

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-Hear some of the music that inspired One to Chase on Spotify!

-See the images that inspired One to Chase on Pinterest!

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-Keep up with the guys on their Facebook Page: The Alexander-Knight Files! (

-ICYMI “Runaway” is the FREE, specially packaged SUPERHOT Prequel to One to Chase. Grab your FREE copy Today on Amazon | iTunes | Kobo | Google Play | Barnes & Noble | ARe

Books by Tia Louise

Signed Copies of all books can be purchased at:

NOTE: All are stand-alone novels. Adult Contemporary/Erotic Romance: Due to strong language and sexual content, books are not intended for readers under the age of 18.

One to Hold

(Derek & Melissa)

Derek Alexander is a retired Marine, ex-cop, and the top investigator in his field. Melissa Jones is a small-town girl trying to escape her troubled past.

When the two intersect in a bar in Arizona, their sexual chemistry is off the charts. But what is revealed during their "one week stand" only complicates matters.

Because she'll do everything in her power to get away from the past, but he'll do everything he can to hold her.

eBooks on Amazon | Barnes & Noble | iTunes | Google Play| Kobo | ARe

Print copies on Amazon | Createspace | Book Depository | Barnes & Noble

Audiobooks on Amazon |

* * *

One to Protect

(Derek & Melissa)

When Sloan Reynolds beats criminal charges, Melissa Jones stops believing her wealthy, connected ex-husband will ever pay for what he did to her.

Derek Alexander can’t accept that—a tiny silver scar won't let him forget, and as a leader in the security business, he is determined to get the man who hurt his fiancée.

Then the body of a former call girl turns up dead. She’s the breakthrough Derek’s been waiting for, the link to Sloan’s sordid past he needs. But as usual, legal paths to justice have been covered up or erased.

Derek’s ready to do whatever it takes to protect his family when his partner Patrick Knight devises a plan that changes everything.

It’s a plan that involves breaking rules and taking a walk on the dark side. It goes against everything on which Alexander-Knight, LLC, is based.

And it’s a plan Derek’s more than ready to follow.

eBooks on Amazon | Barnes & Noble | iTunes | Google Play | Kobo | ARe

Print copies on Amazon | Createspace | Book Depository | Barnes & Noble

Audiobooks on Amazon |

* * *

One to Keep

(Patrick & Elaine)

There’s a new guy in town...

“Patrick Knight, single, retired Guard-turned private investigator. I was a closer. A deal maker. I looked clients in the eye and told them I’d get their shit done. And I did...”

Patrick doesn’t do “nice.”

At least, not anymore.

After his fiancée cheats, he follows up with a one-night stand and a disastrous office hook-up. His business partner (Derek Alexander) sends him to the desert to get his head straight—and clean up the mess.

While there, Patrick meets Elaine, and blistering sparks fly, but she's not looking for any guy. Or a long-distance relationship.

Patrick’s ready to do anything to keep her, but just when it seems he’s changed her mind, the skeletons from his past life start coming back.

eBooks on Amazon | Barnes & Noble | iTunes | Kobo | ARe | Google Play

Print copies on Amazon | Createspace | Book Depository | Barnes & Noble

Audiobooks on Amazon |

* * *

One to Love

(Kenny + Slayde)

Tattoos, bad boys, love...

Boxing, fame, fortune...


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