One Big Mistake - Jennifer Youngblood Page 0,9

Tandy Phillips right.”

“Well, when you’re the president and CEO of a record label the caliber of High Cliff Republic Records, things tend to go in your favor,” Ramsey said practically.

“I guess so,” Mason mused, turning his attention back to the enormous plantation-style mansion set prominently on the hill.

Ramsey felt a smidgen of sympathy for his youngest brother. Mason’s dream was to follow in Cash’s footsteps and become a country music legend. However, Daddy had been holding him back, wanting him to get his education and grow up a little first. Like Daddy always said, Fame has destroyed many a good man. It was hard enough for Cash to be in the limelight, but he had his priorities straight, especially now that he had Ava in his life. Mason had a lot of growing up to do before being thrown to the wolves. A pang of envy trickled through Ramsey’s gut as he thought of Cash and Ava. Was it so bad to want what they had? He wanted a woman to look at him the way Ava looked at Cash—like he was the best thing since buttered biscuits.

Was Hartley Raines that woman? He jerked slightly at the thought. Hartley was a wild card. The kind of woman who had trouble written all over her. To her, love was a game. Ramsey knew all of this about her. He prided himself on keeping his emotions in check and letting his head take the lead. Why was he so fixated on Hartley? It made zero sense. He needed a woman who was grounded, someone who would be loyal and steady.

They pulled up to the front of the mansion where a valet greeted them with a cordial smile. “I could get used to this,” Jaxson quipped as he tossed the guy his keys.

“I hear ya,” Mason added.

Ramsey, Jaxson, and Mason had ridden together. The rest of the family was meeting them here. Straightening his shoulders, Ramsey adjusted his tux coat. Unlike Jaxson, who’d balked at having to wear a tux, Ramsey liked getting dressed up. It made him feel polished and put together.

Tonight was a big deal for Cash and Ava. Ramsey breathed in a whiff of cool, crisp air, noting that fall was just around the corner. The leaves were already changing and would reach their peak in a few short weeks. Fall was Ramsey’s favorite time of the year. He hoped to be able to take off work long enough to attend a high school football game or two. He’d been working too much, going from one job to the next with only a couple of day’s rest in between. Maybe that was the real problem here. He was experiencing burnout. He didn’t need a woman in his life. He simply needed a break.

“It’s Kenny Chesney!” Mason exclaimed in a low tone, coated with excitement. The look in Mason’s eyes was akin to hero worship as he sported a goofy grin.

“Pipe down, little brother,” Jaxson ordered quietly. “How ya doing?” Jaxson said casually to Kenny who was walking up the steps beside them.

Kenny tipped his cowboy hat in acknowledgement as he moved past them.

Ramsey and his brothers stepped into the colossal foyer, brimming with well-dressed people. Ramsey recognized LeAnn Rimes and Lady Gaga.

Mason tugged on his sleeve. “There’s Dolly Parton,” he said with a trace of awe.

Ramsey looked over to where Dolly was surrounded by a throng of people. Dolly was a tiny woman, even with her skyscraper stiletto heels. She was smiling graciously as she chatted with what looked to be adoring fans. Dolly was one of those people who was born for stardom, kind of like Cash. Ramsey, on the other hand, preferred to stay behind the scenes. He didn’t get why Mason was itching to be a star. The mere thought of having masses of people clamoring for him gave Ramsey the heebie jeebies.

The celebration would take place in the large ballroom that made up the belly of the mansion. The seating was assigned. Ramsey was surprised when the usher directed the brothers to a row of seats near the front of the stage. Cash had pulled a few strings, it would seem. They were met with the other members of the Romeo clan who’d arrived earlier.

After saying hello to everyone, Ramsey took his seat. It wasn’t long before the celebration began. Tandy Phillips came out on stage and welcomed everyone to her home. It was a packed house. Ramsey had already picked out half a dozen security Copyright 2016 - 2024