One Big Mistake - Jennifer Youngblood Page 0,56

a holster beneath the bed. The top left corner.”

Her mind scrambled to catch up. “We’re in Ramsey’s house?” Rather than getting the gun, she got one hand free and moved to work on his other. It would only take a second to free him. That was the better option than leaving Knox tied up.

“Yes.” He looked puzzled. “You didn’t know that?”

“No, they kidnapped me outside of a bar.” Heat stung her cheeks as the words left her mouth, and she realized what she’d just said. She was almost done freeing Knox’s other hand. Edison had been in a hurry with Knox and hadn’t secured him as well to the chair as he had her.

The second she pulled the last bit of tape away from his hand, Knox bent over to free his ankles. “About what I said earlier. A very wise woman—Birdie—reminded me of an important lesson. He who is without sin, let him cast the first stone.” Regret wrapped his voice. “I certainly have my wagonload of sins and had no right to judge you. I’m sorry.”

She felt the sincerity of his words. They were a healing balm to her injured heart. Moisture rose in her eyes as she clasped her hands tightly. “Thank you,” she said hoarsely. A faint smile touched her lips. “And for the record, I didn’t touch a drop of liquor at that bar.” A bitter laugh rose in her throat. “I wanted to, mind you. But I resisted the temptation.” Her voice caught. “You see, as much as I wanted that drink, there’s one thing I want more.” Her eyes pooled with tears. “Ramsey.”

Knox stood. “You really do love him, don’t you?” He spoke as if the words were a sudden revelation to him.

“Yes.” She wiped at her tears as a half-laugh escaped her throat. “Ramsey came on my radar a long time ago, and I’ve never been able to let him go.”

He took in a deep breath. “I’m sorry it took this old fool nearly dying to see what was right in front of my face the entire time,” he lamented, shaking his head. He went to the bed, and lay down, his back pressed against the carpet. “Ah, man. I feel like I’ve been beat six ways from Sunday. What happened to me?”

“Edison kicked you a couple of times while you were unconscious,” Hartley said, her voice going hard with indignation. “He’s a coward,” she muttered. “He and Bitsie both.”

Knox scooted under the bed.

“You’re not a fool,” she continued, wanting to get the words out while she could. Who knew what the next moments would bring. She and Knox could both be dead shortly. Fear tied a tight noose around her throat as she coughed. “You’re a good man who loves his family.” Her voice trembled as she swallowed. “You were only trying to protect Ramsey. I can respect that.”

“Got it!” Knox announced triumphantly.

Had Knox even been listening to her?

Gun in his hand, he rose to his feet and glanced at the door before placing a hand on her shoulder. “Who are these people and what do they want?”

“Edison Duffey was Ramsey’s roommate in college.”

He grunted in surprise. “I know who Edison is,” he asserted.

“Edison and Bitsie Post are trying to get revenge for Allison’s death … by killing us both.” Her stomach churned, chills running through her. “That’s why they kidnapped us and brought us to Ramsey’s house.”

“They didn’t kidnap me. I came here of my own accord … to apologize for the things I said earlier.” Irritation rattled his voice. “When I opened the front door and stepped into the foyer, that buzzard brain knocked me in the head with the butt of his gun.” His hand left her shoulder and went up to gingerly touch the base of his skull. “Giving me a knot the size of a baseball,” he grumbled.

“Oh.” Hartley was grateful that Knox was here with her. She could tell from the easy way in which he held the gun that he knew what he was doing. She had no doubt that Knox knew how to handle himself. Hartley, on the other hand, wanted to be brave, but she was petrified. Her knees were weak and knocking together.

He looked her in the eyes. “We can do this.”

She nodded as her heart pounded out a ragged beat. Bending down, she slipped off her heels.

Knox looked toward the door, his jaw taut with determination. “Okay, we need a plan. Ramsey’s gonna need all the help he can get.”


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