One Big Mistake - Jennifer Youngblood Page 0,34

her beautiful face gave him the impression she was talking more about herself than him. Before he could probe her about it, she turned the conversation back to him.

“Is Edison still in prison?”

“He was released a year ago. He’s working at a pawn shop in Raleigh, North Carolina.”

Apprehension tightened the muscles around her mouth. “Do you ever worry that Edison will try and get revenge?”

An icy shiver ran down Ramsey’s spine. “Yeah, that’s always a concern.” He thought of all the nightmares he’d been having, reliving the harrowing incident of Allison’s death over and over. He kept seeing the hatred on Edison’s face. Kept hearing the echoes of Edison’s words. You’ll pay. I don’t care how long it takes. You’ll pay! What was his mind trying to tell him? “Sutton, my former boss, has assigned one of his contacts to keep an eye on Edison. That gives me a measure of comfort.”

She frowned. “That’s very generous. Are you sure Sutton will keep that up?”

“Money’s no object for Sutton. He’s a billionaire philanthropist. He assured me that he’ll keep tabs on Edison as long as it’s necessary. Sutton’s word is his bond.”

“That’s a relief,” she sighed.

“Yes.” He forced a smile. “See, there’s nothing to worry about.” Even as he spoke the words, a feeling of gloom struck his heart. Where had that come from?

Concern darkened her features. “In your line of work, you must have lots of enemies.”

“Yes,” he admitted. Too many to count.

She rubbed her arms like she was warding off a shiver. “I guess that’s another good reason for you to switch careers.” Her voice sounded small. He inwardly cringed at her worried expression, wanting to somehow ease her fears and lighten the mood.

He forced a chuckle. “Yes, it is. Now, all I have to worry about is keeping a certain fiery redhead safe from idiot fellow singers who want to play the big man on campus.” Irritation boiled hot inside him. “If I’d been on my game, you wouldn’t have gotten punched by Blake Owens.”

A smile touched her lips. “We’ll chalk that one up to you being heavily distracted.”

He laughed. “Some fireball had me in a lip-lock.”

She tsked her lips. “Poor baby. You were taken advantage of by some spit and vinegar bad girl … the one your mama warned you to stay away from.”

The edge in her tone let him know that she wouldn’t let him forget his remark anytime soon. “Hartley, about what I said earlier.”

She waved a hand. “My brand depends on portraying a certain image. People like the spit and vinegar. If I were your mama, I probably wouldn’t like me either.”

“The real you … my mama will love,” he said firmly, holding her eyes.

“Thanks,” she uttered with a soft smile. A second later, she straightened her shoulders. “While we’re having our open discussion, I need to tell you everything that’s going on with Blake Owens.”

Ramsey tensed. “What’s up?”

“I got a call from my publicist today,” Hartley began.

The more Hartley talked, the madder Ramsey grew. “Is Blake delusional? He’s the one who started the fight. I could argue that I punched him out of self-defense.”

“I know! The whole thing’s ridiculous,” she spat. “I’m sure it’s a ploy to get me to make a public appearance with Blake. He’s just peeved that I called him out when I spoke to the press at Brazionos Restaurant.”

“Surely you’re not considering making an appearance with him.” The thoughts of Hartley so much as being near Blake Owens caused Ramsey’s blood to curdle.

“Of course not. I wouldn’t go near that slime ball if my life depended on it.”


She clasped her hands together. “I just worry about Blake dragging you into a lawsuit. I know you don’t like being in the limelight.”

“No, I don’t.” He grimaced. “I detest it. How did you know that?”

Her lips curled into a gotcha smile. “Because I know you, that’s why.”

Electricity gathered in the room as their eyes locked.

“Too bad about your ground rules,” he uttered. “Otherwise, I’d pull you into my arms and kiss you until we can’t see straight.”

Desire deepened her eyes to cobalt. “Too bad.”

Ramsey would have said to heck with the rules, but there was something else he wanted to ask Hartley. It was good to get it all out now, while they were having a heart to heart. “Cash mentioned something about a man who broke into your bedroom.” Her features pulled taut as she nodded. “You scared him away with a gun.”

“Yes, I keep a pistol in my nightstand.”

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