One Big Mistake - Jennifer Youngblood Page 0,18

horror as the spit trickled down Ramsey’s cheek. “Oh my gosh! I’m so sorry.”

Ramsey wiped his face, fury simmering in his eyes.

Hartley spun around and got up in Clyde’s face. “What did you do? You stupid idiot! You need to leave!”

Clyde shoved her hard in the chest. Hartley fell back as Ramsey caught her. Hartley saw the look of fury that overtook Ramsey’s features. “I’m okay,” she assured him. She could tell that Ramsey was dangerously close to pummeling Clyde.

A wild, feral look came into Clyde’s eyes as he began ranting, his hands flailing. “You help your mother. Paid for her entire house! I know you gave Savannah and Miles money. You paid for Beau’s college. All I’m asking for is a few measly dollars.”

“So you can buy another drink.” Her voice rose. “I’m done supporting your habit.”

Clyde drew back his fist to strike Hartley, but in a quick movement, Ramsey stepped forward and caught his arm. Clyde yelped as Ramsey twisted him around, pushing Clyde to his knees. Clyde started whimpering as he looked up at Hartley. “P—please.” His voice trembled. “I need food.”

“I’ll check you into a rehab center, Dad. We can do it right now.”

Clyde’s face crumbled as he began weeping. “No. I can’t do it.” Sobs wrenched his throat. “I’m sorry, honey.” He looked at her with pleading eyes. “I—I never meant to hurt you kids or your mother.”

“I know.” Hartley had heard it all before. Clyde’s words were as hollow as she felt inside. She’d been like Clyde, so desperate for a drink that she’d do nearly anything to get it. Her dad had made her life miserable when she was growing up. She hated him for the drinking. Then, in a hard twist of irony, she also turned to booze when she felt like her life and career were spiraling out of control. She looked at Ramsey, could feel his compassion. It brought tears to her eyes.

Ramsey loosened his grip on Clyde’s arm. “What do you wanna do?” he asked, looking to Hartley for instructions on how to handle the situation.

Clyde scuttled away from Ramsey and scrambled to his feet. He watched Hartley with hopeful eyes, waited to see how she would answer.

Hartley considered the options. “I’ll go and get him some money, and then we’ll call him a cab.” She was too tired to fight this anymore. If Clyde wanted to drink himself into oblivion, then so be it.

A pleased smile broke over Clyde’s lips. “That’s my girl.”

Ramsey’s eyebrow shot up. “Do you think that’s wise?”

Hartley pushed out a hard chuckle. “What other choice do I have? I can’t just leave him here like this.”

Ramsey nodded, his jaw hard and contemplative. He reached in his back pocket and pulled out his wallet. “Here’s two hundred dollars.” He thrust the money at Clyde who greedily took it.

“I can’t let you do that,” Hartley countered, but Ramsey brushed her objection away with a wave of his hand. “You stay here,” he said to Clyde in a voice so authoritative that Clyde nodded meekly in the affirmative. “When Hartley and I get into the house. We’ll call you a cab.”

Clyde was clutching the money like it was his lifeline.

Hartley’s entire body was starting to ache, but her heart felt numb. She went to the keypad and punched in the code to open the gate. Ramsey stepped close to her and placed his arm around her shoulders. They went through the open gate. The last thing Hartley saw before it closed was Clyde ambling over to the curb where he plopped down to wait for a cab.


“Look, I appreciate what you’re trying to do, but it’s not necessary,” Hartley said gruffly as she lifted the glass of water to her lips and took a long drink.

Ramsey might’ve believed her had he not seen the slight trembling of her hand. Hartley was tough as nails on the outside, but inside, she was vulnerable and hurting. One thing Ramsey had never been able to resist was a damsel in distress, and Hartley was certainly that. He got the distinct impression that she needed him. It had cut at him to see the despair on Hartley’s face when she interacted with her dad. Ramsey couldn’t imagine what it must be like to have an alcoholic father. No doubt Hartley had suffered much physical and emotional abuse in her lifetime.

When she’d drained the water, she placed the empty glass in the sink. She folded her arms over her chest and rested Copyright 2016 - 2024