Once Upon a Time in Bath (The Brides of Bath #7) - Cheryl Bolen Page 0,6

had the opportunity to see what a profligate looked like.

She hadn’t expected one to be so fine looking. Though she was no arbiter of taste, she believed Lord Appleton was possessed of an unerring sense of fashion, as was his sister. He wasn’t exceedingly tall, but he was taller than average. Both siblings shared the same cork brown hair and green eyes, and both were fair.

She had never felt so dowdy. It wasn’t just her clothing. Miss Appleton was fashionably fair and even though it was an overcast day, she wore the mandatory bonnet. Dot never wore bonnets. Because she had never made the effort to protect her skin from the sun, it was unfashionably bronzed. She was quite certain the skin on her face resembled a well-worn saddle. It was not creamy and smooth like Miss Appleton’s.

“It’s lovely to meet you,” Miss Appleton said, moving closer and reaching to pet Fur Blossom. “What a beautiful cat! Do tell me, what is his name?”

“Her name is Fur Blossom.” Dot looked up at his lordship. “I do apologize for my cat’s actions, for endangering you.” Then without thinking and completely forgetting that she was addressing a profligate who was also an aristocrat. “You were very brave. I’m incredibly indebted to you, my lord.” As she spoke, she noticed the blood had saturated the snowy white of his shirt cuff.

She handed her cat to her father, keeping the little cat blanket she’d wrapped Fur Blossom in, and raced to Lord Appleton’s side. She tenderly lifted his forearm and wrapped it in the miniature blanket and attempted to staunch the flow of blood. “My father will insist on replacing your shirt, my lord, and I beg that you see an apothecary.”

He shook his head. “It’s nothing.”

“It’s not nothing.”

His gaze softened. “All will be well, Miss Pankhurst, if you and your father will do me the goodness of accompanying my sister and me to the Pump Room this morning.”

She stiffened. She did not want to be inhospitable, especially after what he had done for her—and Fur Blossom. Her eyes darted to Miss Appleton. “But Miss Appleton looks so lovely, and I . . . do not.”

“We’ve just arrived from the country,” Mr. Pankhurst explained. “My daughter and I were just on the way to the dressmaker’s. She’s to have a new wardrobe.”

Lord Appleton’s gaze whisked over her. “She’s delightfully charming just as she is. A breath of country air.”

“Oh, please, I implore you to come with us,” Miss Appleton urged. “Bath is so thin right now. I’m frightfully in need of friends. My beastly sisters have deserted me and gone to Weymouth.”

Already reeling from Lord Appleton’s referring to her as delightfully charming, Dot was flattered to think this lovely young woman wanted to be friends with her. She’d never had a friend before. “I fear I’ll be an embarrassment to you both.”

“Never!” Lord Appleton said. Then he did a most peculiar thing. He offered her his arm. Her heartbeat exploded. She trembled as she settled her hand on his proffered arm and began to walk beside him. Had she done that correctly? Was there a right way or a wrong way?

She worried if she’d trip and fall on her face. What other ways could she embarrass this well-mannered man, who happened to be a nobleman—and a profligate?

He might be a seasoned rake, but the man was being exceedingly kind to her. She was neither pretty nor fashionable nor a figure in Society. How could she ever show him her appreciation?

How excited she was to finally be seeing the Pump Room about which she had read so much. And to be accompanied by the handsome Lord Appleton!

When they reached the Pump Room, her Papa gave Fur Blossom back to her. They began to stroll the massive chamber. She made some quick observations, the first being that Fur Blossom was the only animal in attendance. If she came again, she would be wise to leave her pets at home or suffer potential ridicule.

A few hundred people strolled the impressive room—more people than she had ever seen inside of a single building before. Other than those lined up for the small queue to obtain their cups of water, most of the attendees were circling the lofty room, and a small orchestra provided soothing music.

It soon became obvious to her that others were staring at them. It must be a peculiar sight to see the fashionable Appletons accompanied by so dowdy a country miss. Dot knew enough from

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