Once Upon a Time in Bath (The Brides of Bath #7) - Cheryl Bolen Page 0,43

integrate him into the city’s social activities.

Mrs. Blankenship tossed a glance at the assemblage of cats. “My but you have several—and they’re all vastly different.”

Dot nodded. As much as she loved others to admire her cats, she needed to be a better hostess.

Fur Blossom suddenly leapt from Baby Gregory’s lap, and the tot attempted to run after her.

Dot disturbed the sleeping Nellie. “Here, Gregory. Why don’t you make friends with this kitty? Come sit on the floor.” She patted the floor.

He came and plopped down on the Turkey carpet in front of the hearth, and Dot placed Nellie on his lap. She kept her hand there a moment, stroking the cat in the hopes of keeping Nellie from abandoning the little boy.

“What’s that cat’s name?” Joy asked.

“This is Nellie.”

Joy picked up Lover Boy and hugged him. “So they’re all girls except my Lover Boy?”

“That’s right.”

“Do you get to sleep with your kitties?” Joy asked.

Dot nodded.

“I wish I had a kitty,” little Joy said in a forlorn voice. “In the country, we are permitted to have dogs, but they live outdoors.”

“Have you ever asked for a kitty?”

Joy shrugged. “I’m going to go home and ask for one today. I think I’ll ask Papa. He never tells me no.”

Dot laughed to herself. That tall, handsome Gregory “Blanks” Blankenship was easily commanded by his tiny, adored four-year-old daughter.

She felt a fluttering in her breast. Would Forrester ever be similarly smitten over a daughter Dot might one day bear him? The very notion turned her insides to porridge.

The children played with the cats for another ten minutes before their grandmother stood. First she turned to Dot. “I neglected to offer felicitations on your forthcoming nuptials to Lord Appleton. What a wonderful match it is for both of you. I was very happy to learn of it from Glee after she attended the musical.”

“Thank you,” Dot said. “I’m rather happy myself.”

“We need to go now, children, but perhaps Mr. and Miss Pankhurst will permit us to come again?” Mrs. Blankenship eyed Dot’s father.

“It will be our pleasure,” he said. He then stood and walked them to the door without the slightest sign of a limp.

Once they were gone, Dot took up the afternoon’s edition of the Bath Chronicle and returned to the drawing room to sit before the window and read it where the light was best. Lover Boy came to curl up in her lap.

Her father, too, came to sit near her, his customary glass of brandy in his hand. “I found the Blankenship children to be well behaved.”

She nodded. “I wish my kitties behaved as nicely.”

“Mrs. Blankenship is a most handsome woman. Wouldn’t you agree?”

Dot set down her newspaper and regarded her father. This was the first time in her life he had ever taken notice of a woman’s appearance. “I certainly would. In fact, I’m surprised some widower has not snatched her up. It’s my understanding she’s been widowed for a few years.”

“Yes, she told me her late husband has been gone for six years.”

“It seemed to me the two of you did not want for conversation.”

“Indeed. She’s remarkably easy to talk to. It’s as if I’ve known her for quite some time, like we’re old friends.”

“I daresay it’s because you have a great deal in common.”

“I believe you’re right, but then you always are.”

“The next time we go to an assembly or a musical at night, we must see that Mrs. Blankenship also comes,” Dot suggested.

“A capital idea!”

How happy it made her to see her father in such good humor. She picked up her paper and continued reading. First, she looked for news about Ellie Macintosh’s murder. There was no new information, only sensational interviews with women thoroughly convinced they were to be the next victims of the evil madman.

When she finished that, she turned to another page. Even though she knew very few people in Bath, she enjoyed reading the silly Society column that was always filled with scandalous tidbits. Today’s mentioned a certain flirtation observed at the Pump Room between a Mrs. A____y and a Mr. P-----n. Then she read one that caused her heartbeat to roar.

What will Mrs. Pr__t think if it’s true her Lord A__le__n is truly to wed the city’s newest heiress?

Now all those things Dot had previously read about Forrester being a profligate came rushing back. Was it not said he kept a mistress? A Mrs. Surname Beginning with the Letter P? Would he keep his mistress after they were married? Dot’s breath stilled. Was

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