Once Upon a Mail Order Bride - Linda Broday Page 0,97

in self-defense.” Jack shook Shiloh’s hand. “Thank you for coming forward. This means a lot to Ridge and those of us who care about him.”

“I got him in this mess, and I pray I can get him out. He was only trying to do the right thing.” Shiloh’s soft words had sprung straight from her heart.

Ridge still felt like a jackass for the way he’d first treated her. He ushered the women out to the wagon and drove to the farm, thinking of what he could do to repay her now.

What did you give someone who’d given your future back?

* * *

Addie talked Shiloh into staying at least until morning, then they gathered her dirty clothes and washed them.

Shiloh stood at the tub of soapy water and Addie at the rinse tub. Her heart went out to this poor girl who’d had such a miserable life. “Shiloh, what happened to your mother? You mentioned something last night about her.”

“Mama overheard Pa talking about using me to pay off his debt to Beau Calder and told him she was going to take me and run away. They argued. He was falling down drunk, and when he got that way, his horrible temper came out.” Tears ran down Shiloh’s face and into the wash water. “Ever since I can remember, he’d always treated Mama like a servant, beat her for the smallest thing.”

Addie nodded. “I know the kind.”

“That night she finally stood up to him.”

Addie’s stomach twisted. She could guess what happened.

“Pa told her to sit down and shut her mouth. Mama grabbed me, and we headed for the door. Never made it. He yanked out his gun and shot her.” Sobbing, Shiloh scrubbed her threadbare dress until Addie thought she’d rub a hole right in it. “So much blood. He dragged her out into the yard and ordered me to clean up the mess. By the time I finished, Mama’s body was gone.”

“I’m sorry.” Addie dried her hands on her apron and put her arms around Shiloh. The woman was all skin and bones. “You’ve had a worse life than me, and I thought mine was bad enough. What you’ve gone through since then, I can’t imagine, but I know it must have been horrible.”

“I thought a lot about killing myself and ending it. I wasn’t brave enough.”

“I’m glad you didn’t. I wouldn’t want to have missed meeting you.” Addie went back to rinsing and wringing out the clothes, mulling over an idea. “Shiloh, why don’t you stay here in Hope’s Crossing? This is a good place to start over. The people here would help you.”

Shiloh’s face softened. “That means more to me than you’ll ever know, but I need to keep moving. The law is going to come looking for me, and I’ll only bring you trouble.”

“We’re used to trouble. A little more won’t make any difference.”

“Thank you, but no.”

Addie let out a worried sigh. “Promise to write me and let me know where you decide to stay.”

“Of course. I know you care.”

Addie cooked one of her best suppers for Shiloh’s last night, and afterward they took a walk while Ridge and Bodie worked on lessons.

“Be careful, Shiloh. Some men are as handsome as sin and make your knees go weak. I used to think I wanted that type of man, but those generally don’t stay long. Just be wary and don’t let some fast talker break your heart. I hope you find someone like my Ridge. He’s as steadfast and kind as any man you’ll meet. Stubborn though. But he can’t help it. He stood in the mule line instead of the people line when the good Lord called it out. Sometimes he can’t hear all that well.”

They stopped at the corral where the horses enjoyed what was left of the twilight.

“You’ve sure got yourself a special one, Addie. I hope I helped some in clearing his name.” Shiloh rubbed her mules’ heads when they came up to the fence. “I don’t plan to ever marry. I’ve done too many bad things to deserve happiness.”

Addie faced her. “Listen to me. You have to forgive yourself. That’s the only way to make it through life. You and I have done the best we could.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

The next morning after breakfast, Addie and Ridge stood with Shiloh, her mules loaded down and ready.

“Thank you for not running me off.” Shiloh’s eyes glistened with tears.

Addie gave her a big hug. “We were happy to help you. Don’t forget to write.”

Ridge handed Shiloh a

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