Once Upon a Mail Order Bride - Linda Broday Page 0,91

we have almost everything you could want, and being on a stage route helps the isolation. Let’s make ourselves comfortable.” Addie motioned toward a seating area, and they sat down. “I’m sure you’ll miss all the shops of a big city. We’re going to have a harvest dance as soon as we can and introduce you to everyone.”

“I don’t know. I’m not much of a dancer.” Charlotte laughed. “I have too many feet and can’t keep any out of the way.”

“I’m sure it’s not that bad.”

“Believe me, it is. What did you mean about having the dance as soon as you can?”

Addie told her about the damage the tornado did. “We were very lucky.”

“It does appear so,” Charlotte admitted. “I hope to escape all of those.”

Ridge returned with the trunk, and once Charlotte was settled, the three headed toward the café for supper. Just as they neared the establishment, Addie spied Angus O’Connor entering Dr. Mary’s hospital. A figure stood in the doorway, waiting. Then he was hugging…whom exactly? Addie strained for a better look. Dr. Mary? Their Dr. Mary? All too soon the door closed, blocking her view.

Stunned, Addie was set back on her heels. The good doctor appeared to have a secret of her own.

“Coming, love?” Ridge asked.

“I just saw something rather…odd.” Or maybe her eyes, or the twilight, played tricks. Still thinking about the turn of events and the mystery man who’d come to town, she followed Ridge and Charlotte into the eatery spilling with scrumptious smells.


The dinner party went off without a hitch, despite being Addie’s first, and Ridge found the new banker very knowledgeable about a variety of subjects. Clearly, she’d been well educated—at least by their standards. Ridge thought they’d done well in getting her. The young woman had thankfully left her horrendous red bow at the hotel this time and had tidied her hair. She still wore all brown though, and this dress was the color of mud. First impressions aside, she was quick on her feet, her replies witty, and answered all their questions without stumble or pause.

“Why did you choose Hope’s Crossing?” Clay asked. “Surely you had better opportunities.”

Charlotte met Addie’s gaze. “I always wanted to see the real West. When I was a little girl, I was fascinated with”—she glanced around the table—“outlaws. Men who weren’t afraid to deliver justice themselves, who didn’t back down from a fight, men like you who’ve seen the best and worst of times. I think I shall enjoy living here.”

She ended with a wobbly smile, and Ridge led the clapping. He raised his glass. “To a long and fruitful stay, Miss Wintersby.”

“Please, just Charlotte. I’ve found it good business to dispense with formality.”

The woman sure seemed to want to fit in and was saying everything right, but what about matching those words with actions? That would be the true test.

Later, as Ridge and Addie stood at the door saying good night to their guests, Clay took him aside. “What do you think of her?”

Ridge considered it for a second. “She’s holding something back, but frankly, that’s her business. We all have a few things we’d rather not divulge. I think she’ll be good for Hope’s Crossing. Are you worried?”

“No, far from it. She’s young, but I like her attitude.” He glanced at the doorway where Tally was waving him over. “Sorry, we need to get back to the kids. Can we talk more tomorrow?”


Clay kissed Addie’s cheek on the way out and congratulated her on the party’s success. That was the mark of a true friend, and the moment he took to compliment Addie warmed Ridge’s heart.

He came up behind his wife and kissed her bare shoulder. “You worried for nothing. I told you they’d love the meal you prepared.”

Addie half turned and laid her hand along the side of his jaw. “I was a bundle of nerves.”

“You were a very gracious hostess, and I’m not the only one who thinks so.” He swept her up in his arms. The wagons trundled away outside, but the noise didn’t distract him from the lovemaking on his mind.

“Where are you taking me? Put me down. I have a kitchen to clean.”

“I’ll help you in the morning. Right now, I plan to strip that dress off my wife and make her squeal with delight.”

“In that case…” She sighed and slid a hand into his hair. “Take me to paradise, cowboy.”

“Yes, ma’am.” He nuzzled the sensitive flesh behind her ear.

Halfway up the stairs, a knock sounded on the

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