Once Upon a Mail Order Bride - Linda Broday Page 0,87

just couldn’t get my eyes to focus on anything else.”

Which meant he’d never know her to see her again. Everything became clear. She was definitely in cahoots with Pickens and Tiny. She could’ve dressed normal and entered town beforehand to look everything over, maybe even talked to the prisoners to make plans under cover of night where she wouldn’t have been seen. As far as knowing where to come? It would have been simple enough for one of the men to have told her they were coming to Hope’s Crossing, and if they didn’t return by a certain time, to come hunting them.

“Anything else, George?”

“That’s it in a nutshell, Steele. Glad you caught me early.” George’s smile came and disappeared fast. “I plan to be good and drunk by sundown.”

“Do me a favor and take it easy. There’s more to life than this.” Ridge stood and put his hat on.

“Not for me. I got money to spend and no one waiting.”

Ridge moved to the doors and turned around, his gaze on the lonely man. Until Addie came into his life, he used to be in George’s shoes. In fact, so were each of his best friends. Thanks to Luke Legend, they were all married now and far more satisfied than they’d ever been riding the outlaw trail, dodging the law and digging out bullets.

His thoughts turned to Dr. Mary and her all-out battle to save Jack. They’d been lucky until today. The whole lot of them had gotten too comfortable, too lax. Danger still lurked thick around them, only now it was hidden behind heavy-lidded eyes and fake smiles.

Dammit! If Ridge didn’t watch it, he’d be planted in some hole, and Addie would be wearing widow’s weeds.


Before Ridge headed home, he and Addie visited Jack in the town’s two-bed hospital that was empty save for him. Jack lay with his throat wrapped and eyes closed. At the sound of Ridge’s spurs, his eyes flew open. “About damn time,” he croaked. “Did you catch them?”

“Sorry.” Ridge gave him a full accounting. “I can’t prove it, but the woman had to be in on the escape.”

“Yeah. The bastards.”

“They’d best stay far away from here is all I got to say.” Ridge pulled two chairs next to the bed, and he and Addie sat down.

Addie folded her hands in her lap. “I’m sorry about the turn of events, Jack. I’ve never watched anything more horrifying.”

“I hear I have you to thank for saving Willow. If anything had happened to that little girl, I’d never have forgiven myself.”

“I’m just glad I could get to her in time. Sawyer’s upset. He hasn’t eaten anything all day.”

“That’s because he’s been in here pestering me and Dr. Mary flat to death with a million questions.” Jack put an arm across his forehead. “He did the same thing when I got rattlesnake bit a while back. I keep telling him I’m too mean to die, but that boy doesn’t listen.”

Ridge barked a laugh. “You’re full of hot air, Jack. Are you sure you should be talking?”

“If I shouldn’t be, do you think I would?”

“Absolutely yes.” All kidding aside, Ridge was relieved to see Jack sounding something like his old self. For a moment, when he was trying to stop the gushing blood, it appeared all Ridge’s efforts might be in vain. Losing Jack would be like losing a brother.

They talked until Dr. Mary came in and told them to let her patient get some rest. Ridge pulled to his feet and put his old Stetson on. “Is there anything we can get you before we go?”

“Nope.” Jack’s smile pulled up on one side. “Check back tomorrow though. I’ll probably need my bedpan emptied.”

“In that case, I’ll send Bodie.”

“You would too.” Jack reached for Ridge’s hand and shook it. “Thank you for saving my life. Doc here said it’s a good thing you were there.”

“Anytime. We’re brothers in every sense that matters.”


Ridge stood outside the small building a long moment, staring up at the sky awash in swirling shades of blue. If a man was lucky enough, once or twice in a lifetime he might find true friends—ones who would be there when the chips were down as well as when things were rosy. Jack, Clay, and Travis would stand with him at the Alamo if a situation called for it. That much he was certain of.

Addie seemed to sense his mood and slipped an arm around his waist. “He’ll be all right.”

“For now. But what about the next

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