Once Upon a Mail Order Bride - Linda Broday Page 0,72

go for a ride?”

A smile slowly curved her mouth. “Give me five minutes.”

“Whatever you need.” He’d wait as long as it took.

She threw the bedcovers aside, and he followed her naked body with his gaze, admiring the heaviness of her breasts, flat stomach, and the curve of her fetching behind. He noticed something odd on the skin of her back, but before he could see clearly, her chemise dropped, covering it. Dragging his attention from her was quite a feat, but he managed, then poured the coffee, adding sugar and cream to hers.

“Where are we going?” She reached for the formfitting Levi’s and dragged them slowly up her legs. To heaven, if things went according to plan. The thought made hot, aching hunger pool inside him, even though they’d made love all night.


Outside in the predawn air, Ridge removed the pins from Addie’s hair and watched the strands tumble down around her shoulders and back in a golden mass of silk. He plunged his hands into the wealth and kissed her with every ounce of emotion he possessed. Addie returned his attention with equal fervor.

Their passion sated for the moment, he helped her into the saddle, and they set the horses to a slow pace through the darkness. Dawn would arrive within the hour, bringing light and a new day.

“You never said where we’re going,” Addie reminded him.

“A place I know.”

“Have I been there?”

“Not yet. You are a very curious woman, you know that?”

She laughed, the sound filling Ridge’s heart. “You’re not going to start the day complaining are you, husband of mine?”

“There’s nothing about you that I would change.” Ridge maneuvered his horse close so that their legs rubbed.

They left their property and rode toward a row of craggy mountains covered with mesquite, scrub oak, and a few junipers. Once they reached the foothills, Ridge wove through a faint trail into the interior until they came upon the oasis he’d found a year ago. They reined up in a little grassy area, dismounting just as the sun rose. The golden rays glimmered off the streaks of light and dark rock in the cliff walls.

Addie let out a soft gasp at sight of a small pool of glistening water at the base of some large boulders. “This is beautiful. Do a lot of people know about this spot?”

“I don’t think so. Jack and Clay do. Not sure how many others.” Ridge took two towels from his saddlebags and grinned. “Care to get in?”

“Does a dog have a crooked hind leg?” Addie already worked at the buttons of her blouse, popping them free.

Ridge chuckled, unbuckling his gun belt and removing his boots. She beat him into the water, dropping her shirt a second before diving in. If her cute butt hadn’t distracted him, he’d have won the race.

“It’s warm, Ridge.” She splashed like a pup getting its first bath. “I expected cold water.”

He dove in and swam up beside her. She wound her arms around his waist and pressed against his body, kissing him. The shy little bride who’d slept underneath the stairs had vanished. She was no longer afraid to take what she wanted.

He let his hands roam over her, touching, caressing, his lips nibbling the sensitive flesh behind her ear, down her neck, and across one shoulder. He stilled and flinched when he encountered thin scars in a crisscross pattern over her back.

A jolt, then understanding settled inside him. His thoughts returned to the previous night and how she’d never exposed her back to him, kept him from touching the raised flesh. Now he knew why. This had to be Ezekiel’s work. Silent curses damned the man to a fiery hell.

“I want you, Ridge.” Her husky voice held hunger, and her green eyes darkened. The thick, breathy words sent all thoughts of Ezekiel from his mind.

His hardness strained for her, and when her hand closed around him, moving along the length, he sucked in air through his teeth. “Careful, lady.”

“It’s your fault. You brought me here and tempted me with your body. The least you can do is play nice.” She stuck her bottom lip out in a pout.

“I always play nice.” Ridge’s soft threat brought a laugh. He scooped her up and floated to a little ledge just beneath the water. He sat and pulled her in his lap. “I’ll show you nice.”

He reached for her breasts, cupping them, rolling the nipples between his thumb and forefinger. He put his face in the water and took one into

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