Once Upon a Mail Order Bride - Linda Broday Page 0,70

of his chest was crushed against her.

Deep in the recesses of her love-drugged mind, she reminded herself to keep her back away from his touch. She had to hide that part of her body from prying eyes. Yet in the next second, she soared to new heights of gratification and almost forgot to care. The sudden friction when she rubbed against him was beyond anything she’d felt before in her life. She stilled and closed her eyes, soaking up the sensations that whirled and twisted through her like a herd of bucking, stampeding horses.

He groaned. “You make me crazy. I need to feel your skin, taste you, caress you.” He buried his face in her hair. “You’re like this wild land—a place a man could live on for the rest of his life and never fully know.”

He kissed her with a fierce hunger and held her tight, pulling her close as though trying to draw her inside him. Then he laid her back on the bed, and with painstaking slowness that tested her patience, he moved down her body, caressing and kissing every last inch.

“You have beautiful legs, my love.” He nibbled up and down each limb.

“Stop talking about my legs and come back up here.”

She had second thoughts about that command, however, when he parted the hair hiding her entrance and slid a gentle finger into her wet heat. He withdrew, hovered at the opening before plunging in again.

With each movement, she grew achier and hotter. Until this very moment, she hadn’t known that pleasure like this existed. That anyone like Ridge existed. She pushed herself hard against his hand and let out a cry as waves of pleasure gripped and crashed over her. They dragged her out to deep waters, where wondrous shudders took hold of her body.

Ridge rose above her and positioned himself, slowly stretching her tight folds with his body. A sharp pain brought a gasp to her lips, but she didn’t tell him to stop. She wanted this, and from what little she did know of her body, she knew the pain would go away.

Once he was all the way inside, he paused to let her absorb him, and her pain vanished. Taking a deep breath, she matched the rhythm he set, her arms around him, holding him tight. Somewhere amid the friction of their bodies, another engulfing wave began to build again, growing higher and stronger within her.

“Ridge!” She placed both hands on his buttocks and held tight.

A sheen of sweat covered her skin and pooled between her breasts. Addie gave a cry and shuddered, riding the wave until it crested in showering sparks around her. She was blinded by the magic and beauty and oh such wonderful, glorious heat.

Ridge stiffened and took his pleasure, throbbing inside her. Addie gripped him tight and held him until he relaxed. After a moment he rolled off and dropped to lie beside her, his raspy breathing matching hers. She curled against his side, smiling.

Something wonderful had changed inside her, something between her and Ridge; now maybe they could have a real marriage.

Once her frantic heartbeat slowed, Addie raised on an elbow and ran her fingers across his chest, tracing every rise and fall. “Thank you for giving me what I wanted.”

Books had told her about the mechanics of procreating, and she’d witnessed births, but nothing had ever prepared her for how lovemaking felt. There had been no mention of the thrill, the smashing heights and towering waves that held her suspended, or the thundering of her heart upon release. Perhaps lovemaking didn’t affect all women equally. She wasn’t naive enough to even imagine that all partners were the same. The depth of gratification probably depended on the connection between the woman and the man she loved, and without a doubt, Addie had married the best. Ridge seemed to sense exactly where to touch and how hard.

There was enough light still in the room to let her see the happiness in Ridge’s eyes. He caressed her cheek with his cupped palm. “I didn’t hurt you, did I?”

“Far from it.” She pressed a kiss to the hollow of his throat. “I may have gotten a little carried away. I was afraid you’d stop.”

“No chance of that. I doubt a team of horses could’ve had any effect.”

That was kind of him to say, and certainly a lie. All it would’ve taken was a soft no from her, and he’d have quit immediately. He didn’t fool her.

She lay facing him, her

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