Once Upon a Mail Order Bride - Linda Broday Page 0,65

thought long and hard about that and weighed the danger. Darling, if she was going to set the record straight, she would’ve already. I’d just open myself up to be caught. Besides, even if she did change her mind, there’s also the rancher, Tom Calder, to consider. He’d take great joy in watching me swing from a rope.” He stared deeply into her eyes, a warm hand below her jaw. “No, it’s just too dangerous. I’m safe here.”

“I see your point. I don’t want to lose you. I’ll be right back.” She hesitated a moment before adding, “Dear.”

The cats curled up together on a rug, apparently too tired to chase after her. She hurried down the stairs, feeling her way in the dark, her memory of the layout not failing her.

She didn’t take long, but by the time she returned, Ridge was already fast asleep, breathing softly with nothing but the sheet covering him. Bruises were starting to turn purple on his chest and arms.

Addie quickly braided her hair, then turned down the lamp’s wick and slid into bed. She leaned up on an elbow to press her lips to his. “Good night. I can’t wait to see our life unfold.”

He roused and opened his eyes. “Can you talk to me for a bit? I want to hear your beautiful voice.”

“I suppose.” She settled next to him and lay stiffly, talking about their animals, how much she loved taking care of them, and what she liked best about her life with him. Within minutes, he was snoring softly. He’d known she needed to become accustomed to the feel of the strange bed.

Addie smiled. She’d married a smart man. Sneaky, but smart.

She lay there beside him for a while, sleep not coming. The clock in the room seemed to measure each breath rather than the passage of time. Addie turned on her side to face Ridge, grateful she had this little time to become somewhat used to sharing a bed with him without the pressure of lovemaking. As a teacher, she’d read about a man’s anatomy and knew the basics, and she imagined there would be pain. How would she handle that?

Yet, she was ready to be a wife.

Apprehensive, she slid her hand across the sheet and touched his shoulder. He didn’t move. A new boldness came over her. She inched her leg ever so slowly forward until it touched his and discovered he wore nothing beneath the sheet.

Absolutely nothing.

Shock raced along her body for second, mimicking her heartbeat. When her pulse steadied, she smiled and snuggled next to him, her palm resting on his broad, bare chest, trusting in her outlaw and his tender touch so gentle, she wanted him to never let her go.

From where Addie lay, she could see the tall chest of drawers and the box on top, hiding his secret, and all her old insecurities flooded over her. There had to be a reason why he’d never told her about the picture.

Maybe the fancy woman in the tintype was waiting to steal Ridge from her. She’d know all about men and how to please them. She’d be sure of herself and confident of her abilities. What did Addie know? Not much, but she’d fight for Ridge.

* * *

Ridge woke sometime before dawn and rolled over. His head pounded, and through the haze, he tried to focus on the owner of the leg lying so intimately on top of his. Who was attached to the other end? He scowled, then his heart leaped. Addie?

For a moment, he couldn’t recall why she’d be in his bed—then it all came roaring back. The bounty hunter. Their fight to survive. Addie’s bravery.

Dark lashes feathered against her delicate skin, his beautiful angel. He lifted a gold curl and held it to his nose, whiffing the sweet fragrance of a mountain spring. His long wait had ended. Here she was beside him, and it wasn’t a dream.

He let a finger drift down her throat to the satiny skin peeking from her gown. She slept so quietly, her bosom rising and falling with each breath. He yearned to kiss her, but he didn’t wish to wake her. Not just yet. He wasn’t finished watching her sleep. Every detail about her interested him, from the tiny mole above her top lip to her earlobes in the shape of small, perfect shells.

A meow came from the foot of the bed. Miss Kitty stretched and moved up between them, turning herself into a chaperone and forcing

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