Once Upon a Mail Order Bride - Linda Broday Page 0,62

time, boy!” the attacker shouted. “You’re not worth spit anyway.”

Dammit! Ridge was still too far away. He willed his feet to go faster. Panic and heavy breathing hurt his starved lungs. His body started to seize up from the exertion and lack of air. So engrossed was he in the scene, he stepped into what must’ve been a gopher hole and sprawled. Cursing, he rose and pain shot from his ankle all the way up his leg. Despair washed over him. Using the rifle to lean on, he limped on, keeping his eyes glued on his little family.

Addie made it to the door and halfway inside before the attacker caught her again, yanking her back out into the night. Bodie leaped onto his back, his arms around the man’s throat until he turned Addie loose. Instead of running, she picked up a board and slammed it into the attacker’s stomach. A loud grunt told Ridge the blow had hurt.

Bodie went flying off to the side again as the man turned his attention on Addie.

Thirty yards. Ridge tried to take a shot but found nothing clear. He blocked his pain and mustered everything inside him toward the fight.

Addie stood her ground and swung the board again. This time the attacker was ready and sidestepped the blow. He grabbed the weapon, snatching it from her with a mighty yell, and sent her sprawling onto the hard-packed soil.

Twenty yards. Ridge could do nothing but watch. Dammit! He raised his rifle, but Bodie blocked his shot. Ridge lowered the weapon and kept moving instead. The kid fought bravely, not giving an inch. Even so, Bodie was quickly running out of strength.

Fifteen yards. Ridge raised the rifle again to the same results.


Five. Bodie blocked his shot again.

Ridge sucked air into his body and launched himself onto the enemy, both going down hard. Ridge’s rifle came loose and hit the ground the same time the dark figure’s gun sailed from his hand. Ridge drew back a fist and delivered a powerful punch to the man’s jaw.

They rolled into light from the kitchen window and he saw the man’s face clearly—Hiram.

Hiram rose and shook his head to clear it, then went at Ridge, head-butting him in the midsection, knocking the wind out of him. Ridge could barely see as he doubled over, struggling to force air into his lungs. Hiram gave him little chance to gather his wits before he came at him hard again.

“Give up, Steele. You’re whipped,” Hiram snarled.

“I never give up against scum like you.” Ridge wiped his mouth. “What are people going to say about you? You can’t even whip a preacher.”

Hiram let out a yell that they probably heard in Hope’s Crossing and ran at him. Ridge hooked an arm around Hiram’s thick neck and jabbed his face.

Squaring off, they threw punches left and right, some connecting, some not.

Seizing a slight advantage, Hiram raised his elbow and brought it down hard on the back of Ridge’s neck. Stars circled Ridge’s vision, and he collapsed in the dirt.

Everything moved in slow motion, his head swimming as he tried to force his legs underneath him. From the corner of Ridge’s eye, he saw Bodie coming to help. Hiram was waiting and grabbed him, slamming a fist into the kid’s jaw. Bodie crumpled to the ground, moaning.

No one was left to help Addie.

Ridge’s stomach knotted, and he couldn’t breathe. He tried to summon all his strength and struggle to his feet, but before he could, Hiram blinded him with a fistful of sand. The grit felt like boulders, and he couldn’t see a blessed thing.

Dear God! Where was Addie? He couldn’t let Hiram get her. Ridge finally made it to his feet, but he’d lost Hiram in the thick haze inside his head.

* * *

Addie watched in horror as the bounty hunter made a dive for his gun, stood, and aimed.

Ridge can’t see him.

Her heart tried to burst from her chest. If she didn’t warn him in the next breath, he’d die.

She held his life in her hands, and a scream would tell him nothing.

Get the words out to tell him what to do. She wrung her hands.

The deadly click of the hammer sounded loud in her ears as Hiram pulled it back.

Addie worked her tongue. Oh God, she had to form the words. Oh God! Please.

Sweat formed on her palms and trickled down her spine. She opened her mouth, praying the warning came out. “Turn around, Ridge! Turn around! He’s behind you!”

The words burst

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