Once Upon a Mail Order Bride - Linda Broday Page 0,58

sideways glance. She stared straight ahead, her plump lips trembling, the breeze fluttering short tendrils of hair next to her ear. He needed to ask her what the men meant with their questions about a kid, but he wouldn’t press her tonight. Still, he couldn’t help but wonder. Who was the child, and why would Addie know? Was the child hers?

The silence was a little awkward. He didn’t exactly know what to say to her. They’d moved onto unfamiliar ground, and he wasn’t sure when or why.

He’d wanted a few private moments with the pair Addie’s father had sent to get some answers, but Jack and Clay sent him to Addie. Ridge reckoned there was time enough for some justice later. Tiny and Pickens weren’t going anywhere.

With a beautiful sky overhead and a few lazy clouds on the horizon, Cob and King snuffled softly as they entered their property and headed toward the house. As had been Ridge’s custom, his nerves even more on edge now, he gave the place a wary scan, looking for anything out of the ordinary. Bodie came around to the front to wave, and Ridge relaxed. Everything was fine. For now.

“Your cats are waiting for you on the porch. They must’ve heard us and come running.”

Addie craned her neck and smiled. The sight of her smile was a relief after seeing her so somber. Now if only she would find her voice again—there was lots he wanted to ask her. Things he wanted to say that were best spoken, and answers gotten directly from her own lips.

Tonight, though, he’d find a way to tell her—somehow—why he became an outlaw. No more putting that conversation off. He’d skirted that issue for too long. Not because of her speaking problem but due to his, and the fact he’d intended to keep that hidden from her. Yet he saw now that keeping secrets from a spouse kept a relationship from growing, and Addie had to feel it between them.

He sure as hell felt hers and hoped she would trust him enough to let it out soon.

Bodie walked beside them to the barn, grinning from ear to ear. “I got all my work done early, then started on my learning. I can recite the alphabet start to finish. Wanna hear?”

Clearly, he’d been itching for them to get home. Ridge chuckled at the kid’s enthusiasm. “Sure.”

With a deep breath, Bodie started. He stumbled a tad toward the end and had to correct himself but got it right by the time they reached the back of the house.

“That’s great. I’m proud of you.” Ridge dismounted and took the basket of vegetables, setting them aside to give Addie a hand down from King.

“Do you really think so? You’re not just saying that?”

“I meant it, son.” Ridge collected the reins of both horses. “Addie, I’ll take care of King.”

She nodded, then went to their young ranch hand. She patted his chest, then put her arms around him and gave the boy a hug, acting like a proud mama.

Bodie pulled away, happy but obviously also embarrassed at the show of affection. After Addie went into the kitchen with her basket, he faced Ridge. “I wanted to please you most of all, but I also want to learn. I want to be able to read and write and all that other stuff that will make my life easier. You know?”

“Yes, son, I know. I’m glad to help.” Ridge walked the horses into the barn, and Bodie followed, talking away.

“I think my pa would be happy I’m trying to get smart. He always said a man never knows all of anything and keeps learning all his life.”

Ridge removed the bridle from King and slipped a halter on. “Your pa must’ve been a good man.” What had gotten into the kid? Ridge suspected he’d kept a lot inside, and now that Bodie was safe, it needed to come out.

“He was. He sure loved my mama. They used to kiss a lot.” Bodie unsaddled Cob. “I can tell how much you love Addie,” he added quietly.

The last part of the conversation struck Ridge like a bullet between the eyes. He stilled. “Why do you say that?”

“You know, it’s not so much what you say but how you say it. When you talk to her, your voice gets all gentle and melty like my pa’s used to.” Bodie rested a hand on the horse’s back, and a distant look filled the kid’s eyes. “Pa’s voice made me feel warm

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