Once Upon a Mail Order Bride - Linda Broday Page 0,50

Ridge softened his voice, squeezing the kid’s shoulder. “We don’t have to open these books for me to tell you that I’m very proud of you. Some folks have book learning, and some have horse sense—which you have in spades. You know what needs doing, and you see to it without someone telling you when or how. That’s worth a whole bunch, and it’s something no one can teach. So, whatever you’re thinking, you can quit.”

Bodie eased into a chair. “I guess.”

“I’m not blowing smoke. I mean it.” Ridge pulled a chair next to the kid, and the lessons began.

Addie watched them, proud of both. Ridge never lost patience with Bodie’s mistakes, slowly repeating the alphabet until Bodie caught on. She wasn’t sure who was teaching whom.

Finally, Ridge closed the book, and Bodie moved to the floor. “My turn, Addie. I need help with multiplication and division.”

She scooted beside him and taught him some of the harder math problems, their hands brushing and her awareness of him building. “I think you used this as an excuse to sit beside the teacher,” she scolded on paper.

“Me? That’s a bold accusation, Mrs. Steele. But entirely true.” He nibbled behind her ear.

“I’ll have to keep you after school.”

“Please do. I have an idea how to pass the time.” His wide grin showed his white teeth.

After a little more serious study, they quit. He was a quick learner.

He handed Bodie the slate. “If you find time tomorrow, you can work on the alphabet by yourself.” He stood and stretched, his gaze finding Addie. Her heart leaped. “Been a long day. I’m teaching you to shoot tomorrow, Addie. I want you to be able to defend yourself in case Bodie and I aren’t around.”

She nodded, happy that he’d listened to her.

“I’m going to bed.” Bodie got to his feet. “Good night.”

Addie set her sewing aside and went to give him a hug. He blushed when she kissed his cheek.

“Good night, son.” Ridge went to check that the front door was locked, then did the same to the kitchen door behind Bodie. She liked this simple routine of securing the house and how safe it made her feel.

Ridge returned. “Before we go to bed, I want to tell you about my afternoon. No more keeping things from you. And while I talk, you can change my bandage.”

Addie gathered the water, ointment, and bandages, happy that he was relenting and letting her doctor him. He removed his shirt, and she stared at the sinew of his broad chest and back. This husband of hers was strong and made her proud to be his wife. She loved how the lamplight softened the lines of his face and took the darkness from his eyes. His skin was warm under her hands, and if her father were here, he’d scream that she was sinning.

No matter. She jutted her chin. She had the right to her thoughts, and Ridge was her husband—even if it was in name only so far. She pushed the thought out of her head and went to work, enjoying this small wifely duty.

For the next half hour, Ridge spoke about his search and the gunfight. Addie realized how close he’d come to dying, and her blood froze. If the man had mortally wounded Ridge that far from home, he could’ve died before anyone found him. If he was ever found. She’d never have known what happened to him. What would she have done? How would she have managed alone?

She wanted to yell at him for taking such a chance, but she’d only have wasted her breath. Her outlaw husband already knew the high stakes. He lived with them each day.

New bandage in place, he put his shirt back on. Seated on the sofa next to him, her hand in his, she was caught again by the slight curl at the end of his long hair, and the thick muscles in his neck. There was more to Ridge Steele than a gun. So much more. Her stomach flipped upside down, their good-night kiss on her mind.

As though reading her thoughts, Ridge stood and pulled her up, folding his arms around her. “Now, it’s time for us.”

His amber eyes held desire as he slowly lowered his head to meet her. Addie held her breath, her heart beating faster, and closed her eyes. Their lips brushed, and heat rushed from her belly, a shooting star leaving a blazing trail.

Their breath mingled, and she took him inside her with each inhaled

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