Once Upon a Mail Order Bride - Linda Broday Page 0,45

one place in all the world where she fit.

What about Addie’s place? She liked to believe she’d found that with Ridge, but would she be able to hold onto it? How soon would her father find her, drag her back to face what could be her final days? Pray God she was strong enough.

Nora’s happy laughter at something Tally said sent the dark thoughts fleeing. “Adeline, I’m very happy you could join us.”

Tally patted her hand. “Me too. We should’ve done this before now.”

Addie took out her paper. “You’re both so welcoming. Everyone in the town has made me feel like I belong.”

“That’s because you do.” Warmth in Nora’s voice erased most of Addie’s reservations. These happy women seemed to have no ulterior motivation. They were real.

They talked some about their children, then Nora changed the conversation. “I have an exciting announcement.”

“You’re in the family way again.” Tally reached for a cookie.

“Tally Colby!” Melanie exclaimed, her mouth full. “Just because I am doesn’t mean Nora has to be.”

“Well—” Tally gave an innocent shrug.

“Good heavens, no!” Nora chuckled. “I have my hands much too full right now.”

Tally bit into a raisin cookie. “Just stop with the suspense and tell us.”

“For the last six months, Jack has been studying law. He’s now an apprentice under attorney Bernard Taggart in Canadian. When his apprenticeship is up, he’ll make the trip to Austin to take the bar exam.” Nora beamed. “I’m so proud of him.”

Addie scribbled “congratulations” on her paper. She might have need for a good attorney. Yes, this was great news—for her and the town. She hoped Ridge hadn’t yet heard so she could tell him at lunch. Her stomach quickened.

Tally placed her cookie on a small plate in front of her and clapped. “That’s excellent, Nora! How did you manage to keep the secret? I’d have been bursting to tell someone.”

“That’s the thing, you’ll never guess what went through my mind when he kept mysteriously disappearing for hours at a time and missing meals. He became very absentminded, and I imagined the worst.”

“You thought he didn’t love you anymore.”

“Exactly. I thought he was sneaking around and seeing another woman right under my nose. I was furious and ready to pack the kids up and leave.” Nora laughed. “So I decided to follow him, and he caught me.”

Addie’s heart stopped, and she looked closer for bruises but saw none. Mistrust and trailing a husband would surely earn a beating, but Nora seemed unharmed. Even happy.

“Let me guess. He came clean, and you made love.” Tally grinned.

Nora’s laughter bubbled over. “I declare, Tally, you must be able to read minds.”

“Nope, I just know how you two lovebirds are. But Melanie and Tait are far worse. They can’t keep their hands off each other.”

“Hey, we can’t help it,” Melanie protested.

“Wasn’t Jack angry that you misjudged him?” Addie wrote.

“Maybe a little at first, but I have my ways of putting him in a good humor.” Nora’s eyes twinkled at what was surely the memory.

Tally lifted her teacup. “I’ll just bet you do, my friend.”

The differences between these two and the pinched faces of the women of New Zion again became glaring.

Addie relaxed and let the warmth in the room fill her.

The women compared notes on their children before taking pity on Addie and changing the subject.

“I need to go check on Willow and Dillon. They’re too quiet. I’ll just be a moment.” Nora came back laughing, holding two string-wrapped children by the hands. “Sawyer and his friends were making kites and left their supplies out.”

“Oh dear Lord!” Tally jumped up to help untangle the sheepish pair.

When they came back to the table, Nora refilled their cups. “We need to get started on the plans for the dance.”

“Let’s set it for two weeks from today,” Tally suggested.

Nora glanced at a calendar lying on the table. “The first Saturday in September would make it on the second.”

“It could double as a harvest dance,” Addie wrote. “We could use all sorts of fall decorations, and it would be fun.”

Melanie grinned. “Thanks, Adeline. That’s using your head, and I agree.”

“Please call me Addie. Ridge does, and I like it.”

“Indeed.” Nora’s brown eyes twinkled. “That Ridge is very quick on his feet.”

Addie grinned and was relieved when the conversation returned to the dance.

They discussed who would be in charge of refreshments, and Tally took that. Addie volunteered to do the decorations, and Nora the hay bales for seating around the dance floor, which Addie learned was built by the bigger

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