Once Upon a Mail Order Bride - Linda Broday Page 0,31

so very different from her community, where one crazed man made all the decisions.

“I think we have a majority. I’ll get with Clay and Jack to make up a list of days and times for each man’s slot, and we’ll post it tomorrow.” Ridge moved through the crowd toward Addie but kept getting stopped by folks who needed a word.

The woman next to her rose. “Mrs. Steele, welcome to Hope’s Crossing. My name is Eleanor Crump. I’ve heard about you and know you can’t speak, so don’t you worry. I’d like to come visit sometime just to sit, if that’s all right.”

Addie nodded and squeezed Eleanor’s hand before the woman turned and slipped out into the twilight.

Rebel Lassiter approached Addie next, with a tall, blue-eyed man by her side. “I’m happy to see you, Addie. This is my husband, Travis.”

The cleft in Travis’s chin deepened with his smile, and his eyes sparkled. “Mrs. Steele, you’ve got a good man in Ridge. I don’t know what this town would do without him. If you ever need anything, don’t hesitate. Rebel and I will help you, day or night.”

Addie immediately liked Travis, who seemed to be cut from the same cloth as Ridge. She returned his smile and nodded. He appeared to know about her inability to speak, probably from Rebel, so she didn’t feel as uncomfortable as usual.

Rebel glanced at the door, her eyes sad. “I was happy to see Eleanor Crump talking to you. We all need each other here in order to survive. The poor recluse kept herself separate from us until last Christmas. Since then, she seems to be making an effort to fit in more. Maybe she feels a kinship with you.”

Perhaps. But why? Addie didn’t know anything else to do but nod as the heat of embarrassment rose over not being able to utter a word. Ridge finally made it to her side, saving her from feeling like a dunce. He took her arm. “Let’s go home.”

The cool August breeze was welcome on her face as she rode horseback beside her husband. Dr. Mary had bandaged his upper arm and sent him away with instructions to keep it clean and wrapped. The bullet had passed through the soft tissue and would cause no harm as long as Ridge let her keep the ointment and clean gauze on it. But he was a stubborn one and Addie knew she had her work cut out for her.

Several times that day, it had crossed her mind to wonder what she’d do if Ridge died. Truth was, she didn’t have any good ideas beyond continuing to live in Hope’s Crossing. But despite the kindnesses she’d been offered so far, she couldn’t be sure that anyone would lend a hand when trouble came.

And it would.

Ezekiel Jancy’s reach was long. He would find her eventually. And then? An icy shudder raced the length of her body. He’d first haul her back for a whipping in front of the town. To save face and keep control over his followers, he really could do no less. Then…

Oh God! The spit in her mouth dried. She was on a collision course with a madman.

Her mother would be no help. She was weak and shrank further inside herself with each passing year. If Ezekiel got his hands on Addie and dragged her from the town, she’d have no hope for survival.

They arrived at the house, silent and still, and rode around to the barn where Ridge dismounted and lit a lantern. He placed his hands around her waist and lifted her down as though she weighed nothing.

“Here we are.”

Addie glanced up. His collarless shirt hung open at his throat, exposing the thick muscles of his neck. A single bead of sweat poised on his skin, then trickled down to pool in the hollow space between his collarbones. She yearned to brush it away but couldn’t, yearned to kiss him, yearned to be whole, but she hadn’t decided fully if he was the kind of man she could bank her life on. Their fight stood between them, and she still felt his anger, even though most of it had been directed at himself. Next time, God forbid, she’d try to follow his instructions.

His deep voice came thick and quiet. “Addie, I’m sorry for yelling at you at the creek. Not my finest hour.”

Ridge’s large frame, his strength, made her feel small against him. She rested a palm on his chest. Oh, to be able to speak and

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