Once Upon a Mail Order Bride - Linda Broday Page 0,27

I expect you to do just that.” He hated the bite of his sharp words, but she had to understand.

Anger darkening her eyes, she frowned, threw back her shoulders until her spine was ramrod straight, then pointed toward their home and shook her head as though to say “not hardly.” She kept shaking her head and waving her arms wildly to drive home her opinion of the matter. She’d march off a few steps then march back and continue her heated gestures, obviously too riled to settle.

Damn, but she knew how to argue without uttering a word!

“Stop it. My job is to keep you safe, and I can’t do that if you won’t follow instructions,” he barked.

Her eyes narrowed to mere slits. She jabbed a finger into his chest, then into hers, and crossed her index and middle finger.

“I get that you think a wife has to be by her husband’s side, but I—”

She whirled and plopped down beside the boy, folding her arms and turning her head away, evidently dismissing what he was saying.

“What’s wrong with her, mister?” the kid asked.

“Not a damn thing except she can’t talk, although as you can see, she can speak her mind as good as any man. And then some.” Grumbling under his breath, Ridge stomped to the bounty hunters’ two remaining horses for one to tote the dead man. The angry clank of his spurs reflected the rage burning in him as he loaded the bounty hunter on a mangy brown gelding.

This had come far too close to working out for the other side, so close, it scared the bejesus out of him. Any of those flying bullets could’ve hit Addie, the possibility buckling his knees. And on top of that, he had another death on his tarnished soul.

Dammit to hell!

Footsteps alerted him, and he whirled to find Addie behind him again. Rage at his hopeless situation and what he’d just been forced to do brought scathing words spilling that he couldn’t stop. “This is why I can never preach again! I have blood on my hands, not just this man’s, and I’m wondering why the hell I burdened you with marrying me!” He stalked to his horse and rested a hand on the saddle, taking several deep breaths, thinking it would help cool his temper. It didn’t. He spun. “I’m a wanted man, and those bounty hunters would’ve taken me alive or killed me, then I shudder to think what they’d have done to you. I’ve only put you in danger, drawn to you the same damn thing I’m forced to live with. Truth is, I’ll only get you killed.”

Not waiting for her response, he strode angrily to the creek and stared into the clear, fresh stream. The minute he stepped in, it’d stir up the mud and turn brown.

That was his life. Brown and dirty and ugly.

“I’m not good or decent or kind!” he continued. Shame kept him from looking at her, because if he did, he couldn’t say what he had to. “I’ve done things you wouldn’t believe. Ride as far as you can get while you have the chance. Find someone who’ll treat you right. I’m too far gone.”

She placed a light palm on his back. Unclenching his jaw, he swung around. Her anger had cooled, but she stood there as though waiting for something—an apology? He owed her one for sure.

Releasing a sigh, he studied her for a long moment, then pulled her against him and buried his face in her golden hair. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. For all of it.” Most of all for the lie that started everything and led him straight to the outlaw trail.

Movement behind them loosened his hold. The young man was attempting to stand, only to drop back to the ground. “I need to help the boy, Addie. I think he’s hurt.”

She stepped back, dried her eyes, and was all business again. Matching his stride, they went to the kid.

“What’s wrong? Is your leg broken?” Ridge squatted down beside him.

The kid sniffled. “I don’t think so, but those bounty hunters tried. They kept hitting me, said they’d make sure I didn’t run.”

Typical. “What’s your name, son, and how old are you?”

Addie untied a dirty bandana from around the young man’s neck and went to wet it in the creek.

“Bodie. Bodie Nix. I’m fifteen.”

“Nice to meet you, Bodie. I’m Ridge Steele, and this is my wife, Addie. There’s a town called Hope’s Crossing not too far from here. I’m going to

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