Once Upon a Mail Order Bride - Linda Broday Page 0,132

frantically stripped off both their clothes.

“I’ve missed you. Make love to me, Ridge,” Addie whispered, placing his hand on her chest.

Desire licked up his spine like a searing flame. His heart hammering, he laid her on the bed and covered her with his body, his swollen hardness seeking her. Unlike their other times, this would be hot and fast. Slow had its place, but not now.

“Now, Ridge. I can’t wait.” Addie’s fingernails gently raked his back, trying to pull him inside. Her plea wasn’t wasted. One thrust took him inside the center of her being, and he set a pace to match their rapid breathing.

Her muscles clenched around him, creating delicious friction that drove him to heights he’d never known. “Addie!”

She lightly nipped her teeth across his chest, and desire raced through him like a wild rainstorm across prairieland. He wanted everything she had to give. Had to have her or he’d lose his damn mind.

Luckily for his sanity, the climb was swift, and the peak was one so intense it took his breath.

“Now!” she cried, shuddering beneath him, her muscles gripping and releasing around him.

His heart exploding, he spasmed and pulsed inside her. Mindless release shot him into a white space void of sound. He hung there, drifting through a quiet haze, relaxed and peaceful. In this beautiful place, no one hunted him or threatened to hang him.

Then he dropped back to reality, conscious of the weight of his body.

Gasping for air, his skin sweat slickened, he rolled off to the side and lay panting. He glanced over at Addie. She lay on her back, arms at her sides, eyes closed, breathing hard.

Ridge fumbled for her limp hand and squeezed. “I love you, Addie.”

The sheet rustled as she rolled to face him. “You complete me. I needed that desperately.”

“Happy to oblige. Anything for my lady.”

Addie traced the lines of his face, tears in her eyes. “There will come a time when I will never hear your voice, feel your touch, breathe your scent.” She took a shuddering breath. “And I cannot imagine the pain of what that might be like. That scares the bejesus out of me.”

“Pray God that’s a long time from now.” He lifted her hand to his lips.

“Ridge, I’m going to work hard at storing away memories for such a day. I’m going to love you full-out with every fiber of my being. I don’t know how this trip to Mobeetie will end, but I’m not ready to lose you yet. I’m not. I’m so scared.”

“Please try to let me do the worrying.” He toyed with her hair. “I never thought I’d meet a woman like you, as fine and pretty and smart. I never imagined you were out there waiting for me. The happiest day of my life was when I married you and we started a journey together.” He swallowed hard. “I want to tell you these things now in case…”

He couldn’t finish the sentence for the emotion clogging his throat. Panic rose for a moment, blocking out reason. Maybe she was right. They could run. This could be a trap, the judge’s way to lure him into the open.

All his reasons for going vanished. What the hell was he doing?

Struggling to breathe, Ridge pushed off the bed and went to the window to stare out at the blackness. But all he saw was a large blood moon hanging in the sky.

An omen. But an omen of what?


By morning, Ridge had put the blood moon out of his mind. Lovemaking had been an excellent distraction, and they’d spent the better part of the night satisfying and loving each other. Now it was time to get back to taking care of his family. And the best way to do that was facing Judge Horace Greely.

The back door opened. “Morning,” Bodie mumbled, his wet hair slicked back.

Addie took the eggs from the skillet. “That’s great timing. Breakfast is served.”

“I ain’t very hungry.” He took a cup from the shelf and poured coffee.

Ridge did a double take. “Addie, check him for a fever.”

“There ain’t nothing wrong. I feel fine.” Bodie took a sip. “Fine as frog hair, as a matter of fact.”

Addie sat down. “I wish I’d have known that before I cooked all these eggs.”

“Sorry. Maybe I’ll eat ’em later.” He took his coffee and went back outside.

“Ridge, what’s wrong with him?”

“I’ll find out after I eat.” But Ridge already knew what it was—worry. Bodie couldn’t face losing another good person from his life. “The kid

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