Once Upon a Mail Order Bride - Linda Broday Page 0,120

her mouth. She lay deathly still.

Everything had been in vain.

Ridge let out an ear-piercing scream and pounded the ground. This wasn’t supposed to happen. She couldn’t leave him. They’d barely begun to love.

Tears rolling down his face, he began to say the long-forgotten words of a prayer.

A reply sounded in his ear. “And I will lay sinews upon you, and will bring up flesh upon you, and cover you with skin, and put breath in you, and ye shall live; and ye shall know that I am the LORD.”

The same God that put breath in each person could make Addie live.

Something he’d once seen penetrated the horror, and a voice inside told him what to do.

Ridge rolled her onto her side and pounded her back. “Come on. Breathe, Addie.” Nothing. Though he knew it might be too late, he clung to hope for a miracle.

Just one miracle. Please.

Panic rose and swamped him. Time worked against them, ticking off each second.

Tears rolled down Mrs. Jancy’s face. She squatted and vigorously rubbed Addie’s arm and patted her hand.

Returning Addie to her back, Ridge gently opened her mouth, pinched her nose, and placed his lips to hers, creating a seal of sorts. He softly blew into her mouth. Her chest rose. He gave her three puffs.

Then three more.

Again and again, he repeated the process.

He was about to give up in despair when she suddenly coughed. Ridge rolled her to her side so she wouldn’t choke, and water gushed from her mouth. When it stopped, he laid her back.

Her eyes fluttered and opened. She stared up at him for long seconds before she spoke. “You came.”

“I got a late start, but I rode as hard as I could.” He smoothed back wet strands of hair from her face. “I didn’t know if I’d get here soon enough. You scared me.”

“I’m sorry. I tried so hard to live.”

“Thank God for your stubborn determination.”

Addie gripped his arm, her eyes clouding with raw fear. “Ezekiel?”

“Dead. He can’t hurt you anymore.”

Addie put a weak hand on his jaw. “Oh, Ridge. You were trying so hard to get the charges dropped, and now this.”

“I wasn’t the one to pull the trigger this time.”

Mrs. Jancy moved to sit beside Ridge. “It was me. I killed him. He had to be stopped, so I did it.”

“Mama, I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be. You were right. No one was safe with him alive.”

Ridge finally got a good look at Mrs. Jancy. Her black eye, battered face and hands told a story of horrible abuse. No one would blame her for putting a bullet in the man who’d done all that.

“Help me up, dear. I can’t lay here all day when we have to get ready to leave.” Addie glanced at her mother. “Where will you go, Mama?”

“I’ll go get your sisters, then I don’t know. We can’t stay in New Zion.”

Addie sat up with Ridge’s help. “Live in Hope’s Crossing with us. It’s a good, decent place where you can start over fresh, no questions asked.”

“We’ll see.” Her mother rose and trudged toward their camp.

Ridge lifted Addie. She let out a sigh and snuggled against his chest. He tightened his arms around her, his heart overflowing with gratitude. They’d been granted another chance.

While Addie helped her mother prepare a quick meal from the limited supply of food, Ridge unhitched the poor horses from the wagon and led them to the stream to drink. He fished Ezekiel Jancy’s body from the pool so it wouldn’t taint the water and covered the despicable man with rocks. Two hours later, they were on their way home.

Ridge tied Cob to the back of the wagon and everyone rode together. Addie and her mother had quite a lot to say to each other, and Ridge stayed quiet, happy they could repair their relationship.

It was late afternoon when they reached the farm. Bodie ran out, worry on his face, throwing his arms around like they belonged to a floppy doll. “What happened? I came back an’ everyone was gone!”

“A long story.” Ridge set the brake and climbed down. “Addie’s father took her, and I went after them. Say hello to Mrs. Jancy, Addie’s mother. She’ll stay with us as long she wants.”

“Welcome, ma’am. Do you know how to cook? I’m starving flat to death.”

Ridge died laughing. Trust Bodie to get right to the heart of the matter in two seconds flat. But laughter was welcome after the harrowing ordeal. He would never again take anything for granted—especially Addie. By all rights,

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