Once Upon a Mail Order Bride - Linda Broday Page 0,109

Maybe you’ll be right. Excuse me, I see I’m needed.” Charlotte went to a worker motioning her over and instructed him where to place a long, oak cabinet.

Before long, Charlotte had completed the move into the bank, and everything was spic and span for business on Monday morning. While they stood around talking, Tait’s twin nephews ran to tell them that Melanie had given birth to a daughter.

Addie hurried to the Trinity home to congratulate the happy mother and father. Her eyes filled with tears at the sight of Tait cradling his tiny baby girl in his large hands. She could easily picture Ridge doing the same with his son.

“One day soon,” she murmured softly as she left the new family to rest.

The rest of the day passed pleasantly. Addie was on her way to find Ridge when she spied Dr. Mary emerging from the Trinity home, back in her practical dress, her bullet necklace glinting in the sun.

Addie hurried to fall into step with her. “Doctor, thanks to you, we have a new addition to the town. I’m very relieved everything turned out well.”

Dr. Mary smiled. “It was an easy delivery. Not all are that way.”

“Yes, I’m sure.” Addie let a moment’s silence drift between them before getting to the crux of the matter on her mind. “I was so happy to see you at the dance.”

Dr. Mary stopped and scowled. “Is that all anyone can find to talk about?”

“You have to admit that you gave us quite a shock.” Addie smiled and went on. “I’d never seen you with your hair down, and apparently no one else had either. For a moment, I thought you might be a new arrival. I found Mr. O’Connor quite an interesting man.”

“One thing about that man, he likes to talk and flirt with the ladies. But I don’t mind, because I understand it’s part of his personality and make allowances.” Dr. Mary laid a hand on Addie’s arm. “When you get to be my age, you learn quite a bit about how men think. I suspect you’re still trying to figure that out.”

“Yes, ma’am, I am.”

“It’ll take a while, but Ridge isn’t as complicated as some.” Dr. Mary’s voice was firm but soft. “I will say for sure and certain that I do not intend to leave Hope’s Crossing, and everyone can put that in their pipe and smoke it. I’ve found the place I’d been searching for all my life.”

There was that bliss that Nora had once spoken about. Angus or no Angus, Dr. Mary had found hers already.

“I think I have too.” Addie stared at the high walls of the canyon around them, the last rays of sunshine creating a stunning mosaic pattern on the rocks.

A smile curved the doctor’s lips. “I’ve known wealthy men who spent thousands of dollars looking for a place that satisfies their soul, and we have it right here. I have plans to enlarge my hospital, and to get the space might require me moving out where you and Ridge live.”

“We’d be proud to have you for a neighbor.” Who knew? At some point, maybe all the businesses would move out where there was room.

Dr. Mary’s gaze pierced her. “Be sure to spread it around and save me from having to take out an ad in the newspaper alongside the prices of turnips and hogs.”

“I will.” Addie looked up at movement and saw Ridge and Angus heading toward them. “There come our men. Must be quitting time.”

Addie went to meet Ridge and could’ve sworn his face reflected the bliss that filled her heart. Right here was where she’d stay, and she’d be buried here one day. Next to her one true love.


Several days later, Addie forgot to stay alert when she built a fire out back, intending to do the wash. Fear that her skirts would get caught in the flames had led her to dress in her Levi’s trousers. Ridge had eaten breakfast and headed out to resume work on the rubble blocking the back entrance to town, and Bodie had gone off with Sawyer and Henry, leaving her alone on the property.

Addie hadn’t given that a second thought until a whisper of warning shot up her spine.

Something evil drifted on the breeze. She shivered and started toward the kitchen door. Two steps from safety, a black-clothed figure leaped from behind their rain barrel, cutting her off. She shrieked and ran, but she wasn’t fast enough. The man closed his bony fingers about one

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