Once Upon A Half-Time: A Sports Romance - Sosie Frost Page 0,53


“I know, honey. But you might have to meet her.”

“I got absolutely nothing to say to her.”

“You might not have a choice. She said she wanted to talk with you…or she was getting a lawyer.”

“Bullshit. With what money?”

“Probably your millions, Lachlan. We knew this was a possibility when you got drafted. She was going to see you on television and try her luck again.”

“And she doesn’t care whose life she’ll ruin.”

The television droned on. “This wouldn’t be the first time a highly commended draft choice choked during training camp. The Rivets have a tough decision ahead of them, especially if they are willing to wait to see if Reed’s performance improves. Fortunately for Ironfield, Reed’s rather lucrative contract can be terminated without a hit to the salary cap—”

I turned the television off and pitched the remote into the wall.

It shattered, and my heart nearly stopped with it.

Christ. I’d never broken anything in anger before.

I’d never had trouble on the field either.

And I’d fucking never imagined myself snapping at the woman of my dreams without trying to fix it.

My head hurt, and I hated myself for being such a goddamned coward.

“Mom, I’ll take care of Victoria.” I rubbed my face. “Do me a favor. I got something going on tonight. Tell Bast I’ll call him tomorrow?”

“He misses you, Lachlan.”

“I know. It’s just…” I sighed. “Things have gotten a little intense.”

“Are you okay?”

“How’s that new house treating you and Bast?”

Mom knew better, but she answered honestly. “It’s the home of my dreams, honey.”

“Then don’t worry about me. That’s all I needed to hear. I’ll call Bast tomorrow. Love you.”

I didn’t pocket the phone. Instead, I put in an order for a pizza and grabbed my keys. Fortunately, it was early evening. I hadn’t let Elle stew for too long.

But that didn’t mean she wasn’t still pissed.

I grabbed the gift I had set aside for her and sped to her house, picking up the pizza along the way. I arrived at her doorstep bearing dinner and the most charming smile I could muster.

She answered the door. That was surprising.

But she was scowling. That I deserved.

Before I offered her the pizza box, I raised a hand. “Let me be clear—this is not our third date.”

“Of course not.” Elle sniffed the food, made a face, and retreated from the dinner. She crossed her arms over that too-tiny shirt. “I haven’t agreed to see you.”

I took the opportunity to invade her apartment. She didn’t stop me. A good sign. I set the pizza on her kitchen counter—moving aside a collection of miniature salt-shakers in the shape of various animals, landmarks, and touristy objects.

“I know,” I said. “I just mean…I don’t want it to be the third date, because then I might have blown all my chances, and I’m not ready to give up yet. I really…”

Elle arched an eyebrow, flicking a piece of popcorn off my shoulder with a bewildered glance. But she didn’t ask questions, just offered me enough rope to hang myself. Her laptop rested on the counter. She followed my gaze and closed the lid.

Point taken.

I heaved a breath. “I needed to see you, Red. I had a shitty day, and I know, deep down, you’re the only one who’s gonna make it any better.”

I took her hand. Elle didn’t resist, but her fingers didn’t curl into my shirt like when she usually fought my embrace until she realized how perfect it felt.

“Is that a rock in your pocket…” She bit her lip to tame the smirk. “Or are you happy to see me?”

I pulled it from my pocket. “It’s a rock, actually.”

Now she did push me away, frustrated.

“A river rock.” I pointed to her shelves and cupboards. “From when we went tubing. I found it in my bag when I unpacked. You can add it to your Lachlan collection.”

“You think I have a Lachlan collection?”

“If you don’t, you should start one.”

Elle cast her eyes down, guilty. She searched the shelf on the far side of the living room and returned with the sunglasses I thought I’d lost at the combine.

“Okay…are you a pack-rat or thief?”

She shrugged. “I have some pictures of us too…”

“Sounds like fun.”

“Yeah…they’re nothing I can upload to Facebook.”

I handed the sunglasses to her. “Look, Red. I was a jerk today. I…was stressed. I’m not used to having bad days. Can you forgive me?”

She puffed a stray lock of hair from her face. “I shouldn’t have snapped either. I wasn’t feeling very well today, and—”

“You’re sick?”

“Just too much sun. My

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