Once Upon A Half-Time: A Sports Romance - Sosie Frost Page 0,45

your father since then?”

She cleared her throat. “No. He tried to call me in Vegas, but it wasn’t to reconnect.”

“You were upset.”

“Nothing a couple body shots and a marriage couldn’t fix.” She tisked. “This is what happens when you forget to bring limes to the room. We had no choice but to get married.”

“I’ll know for next time.” I grabbed her hand and spun her, casting her in a circle downstream. “Do you miss your family?”

She blew the hair from her eyes. “I tried calling my dad these past two weeks.”


“He’s…not returned my calls.” She sighed. “But my family isn’t like yours. You love your mom and Bast. You have a really big heart, Lachlan.”

“I have bigger things.”

“I don’t know…your heart is pretty impressive.”

“Wanna check?”

She splashed me. “Lemme guess. Sex in public? Another rush?”

“Public?” I laughed. “Look around, Red. We’re the only idiots for miles who thought tubing in a half-dried-up river would be fun.”

“I dunno…I think it’s kinda pretty.”

It was, once I tore my eyes from her to check out the shore.

The river widened and opened into a deeper, secluded area hidden by willow trees. The light softened, tickling through the thick, blossoming branches. I grinned at her.

“You know…it’s just you, me, and too many layers of bathing suits. Why not have some fun?”

“You are so bad.”

“Elle, don’t you get it? Why I’m trying so hard?”

“You want me.”

“It’s more than that. You are the greatest adrenaline rush a man could have. My heart won’t stop pounding when I see you. I sweat when I talk to you. I shiver every time we touch. When you smile, I freeze because I’m afraid I’ll blow this…and then you won’t blow me.” I grinned. “Who needs bungee cords and rip-ties when I’ve got a beautiful woman to impress? You’re enough to keep me on my toes.”

“And all you want to do is curl mine.”


“Who says I’m teasing?”

Elle shifted, tugging on the straps to her bikini. The suit popped off, and she tossed the top at me before I could get a look at the perfect swell of her breasts. She wiggled her hips, and I nearly launched out of the tube to catch the bottoms.

I damn near capsized my ride to paddle to her side, staring at her beautiful curves and the soft, dark promise between her legs. She gave me a devilish smile.

“Feeling adventurous, Red?” I kicked off my boxers.

Her gaze feasted on my hard cock. She licked her lips and spoke with a sultry murmur.

“You could say that…”

I didn’t have time to prepare. She grabbed my tube, spun it, and yanked. I sprawled off balance.

I fell into the river with a splash.

And the games were on.



Lachlan tumbled backwards into the water.

I dipped under the river without a splash.

A couple strong kicks propelled me away from the tubes and into a secluded and pristine pool bordered by willow trees and large, smoothed stones. The rocks gently funneled the river into an opened mouthed reservoir perfect for a bit of fun.

Lachlan surfaced with a growl. He didn’t have to tread the water—he was tall enough to stand. Lucky bastard. He rubbed his eyes and searched for me.

He’d never find me.

I sunk under the ripples again, hiding as he walked closer. He turned, granting me the perfect opportunity to swim close and pinch his ridiculously muscular, utterly amazing ass.

“Hey!” Lachlan shouted, but I kicked under the waves and surfaced a few yards away.

“So you wanna play that game?” He grinned.

His smile was becoming one of my favorite features on him—as well as his typhoon green eyes. Or the dangerously wicked tattoos that curled over his biceps and other more interesting parts of him. His thick cut muscles were great too. Or maybe I liked his laugh the best. Everything about him charmed me.

I dipped low in the water and hid most of my body from him. My hair fell loose from the braid, and the ends floated around me, bright red.

“Think you can catch me?” I asked.

“I know I can.”

“And what happens when you do?”

Lachlan’s smile twisted. “All sorts of horrible things, Red.”

I pouted. “Horrible?”

“Depraved. Nasty. Naughty. You’re gonna stay real wet, little girl.”

A thrill shot through me. Lachlan dove forward, making a tremendous splash as he flailed and kicked and used brute strength to punish the water.

“You’ll wear yourself out doing that.” I twisted away, surfacing a few yards from him. “And when you’re too tired to ravish me, you’ll only have yourself to blame.”

Lachlan snorted, accidentally inhaled a mouthful of water,

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