Once Upon A Half-Time: A Sports Romance - Sosie Frost Page 0,187

didn’t feel scared or worried. I couldn’t, not around Nate.

I just had no idea where to begin.

“I’m sorry,” I said.

Nate spoke at the same time I did. “You have no idea how sorry I am.”

I swallowed. “You don’t have to be sorry.”

He interrupted me. “Why are you sorry?”

“I never, ever should have kept the baby a secret from you.” I pulled his hand to my chest. “You were right. I was hiding behind the wedding and all the problems with my family. I thought I was making it easier on myself to focus only on the party, but it was all an excuse. I was…scared.”

“You had no reason to be scared.”

“But I was. I had no idea how you’d react. Hell, I had no idea how I felt about it. I still don’t. I’ve kept the secret for so long, and it became just that—a secret. It never felt like a baby. And then…that sonogram, and when we were together two nights ago. It got real. It was…”

“Was what?” Nate leaned close.

“I felt like we could be a real family.”

“Not could. Will be.”

“What about California?”

“What about it?” Nate shrugged. “Since I was young, I planned to leave home and abandon the life my father wanted for me. I rebelled against it. Hard. I never wanted a life of commitments and relationships and family. But you know what I realized when I finally had you?”

He tucked a lock of hair behind my ear. His hand lingered on my cheek, and I smiled.

His voice strengthened. “That life isn’t something to fear or refuse. I would be the luckiest bastard in the world if I could just share a moment of that with you.”

I swallowed. My heart nearly burst, and I willed it to slow so I didn’t miss a single word.

“No,” he said. “I’m not leaving. I’m not hunting for that miserable existence anymore. Not when I can have a life with you, a life worth living and protecting.”

“What about the baby?”

Nate nodded. “What about the baby?”

“Are you scared?”

“Of course I am.” He grinned. “Hell, I’ve never been this terrified—and I don’t know what’s got me more worried. Losing you…or winning you over and tackling this amazing responsibility.” He brushed my lip with his thumb. “Don’t tell me you aren’t excited.”

I nodded. “I am.”

“About what?”

“Everything. You. The baby. This change. It was sudden, and I didn’t expect it, but with you…it doesn’t seem like anything to fear.”

“That’s because it’s not. It will never be. I know you’ve watched a lot of relationships crumble, but that’s not a reason to hide from one.” He leaned closer. “In fact, it’s one of the reasons I’m so damn lucky. You know how precious our bond is. You take it seriously.”

“Of course I do. I don’t want to lose you.”

“You’re not going to lose me. You can try your hardest, but nothing you do, nothing you say, nothing that happens will ever push me away. I didn’t fall for you, I surrendered to you. You are everything to me, Mandy, and I don’t deserve you or the gift you’ve given me.”

His hand lowered, brushing against my tummy. I cupped my hand over his.

“I’m in love with you, Nate,” I whispered.

“I love you too.”

His lips brushed mine. I welcomed his kiss, closing my eyes as he nibbled against me.

The four quick flashes blinded me. We jumped, but the damage was done. A crowd had formed around the photo booth. We slipped out to a chorus of awws from Lindsey and the rest of the bridesmaids. A few others cheered.

Rick handed me the picture that printed from the booth. I covered my face in Nate’s shoulder and peeked at the photo.

It wasn’t our first kiss, but it felt like it.

I clutched the photo series, four pictures capturing the exact moment when we confessed our feelings for each other and kissed.

The caption beneath the images read I love you.

It was true.

Nate grinned, pulling me to his chest and teasing me for getting embarrassed.

“No sense hiding it anymore,” he said. “I love you.”

And he kissed me as our friends and family cheered.

Epilogue - Mandy

The ocean lapped at our feet, and the sand tickled between my toes. The sun glistened as it set over the horizon. Pink and orange streaks of warmth stretched to the shore to where I held Nate’s hand.

“I do,” I whispered. My smile hadn’t faded, and he was lucky I hadn’t cried yet.

Nate’s grin matched my own. He slipped the ring on my finger, and the gold

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