Omega's Truth - Nora Phoenix Page 0,92

hands tied in front of him. They, too, had found uniforms somewhere, and they’d dressed Sven in the same jumpsuit all the omegas wore. At a glance, they looked like two alpha soldiers with an omega prisoner. Because that’s what these omegas were—prisoners. Prisoners without any rights whatsoever.

Lucan waited until they’d come close. “I’m assuming you guys have seen the same horrors we have.”

“It’s heinous,” Enar said, his eyes red-rimmed and his voice broken. “In my darkest nightmares, I’d never have imagined this could exist. Armitage has lost all sense of humanity. What they’re doing to these poor omegas…”

Lucan nodded. “I know. There are no words.”

A tear slipped down Sven’s cheeks. “It hurts to look at them,” he whispered. “Knowing that that could have been me.”

Lucan’s father reached for his mate, but Enar gently pushed his hand away. “You can’t, Grayson. Not here.”

“He’s right, alpha,” Sven said. “I’m okay. I’ll be okay.”

“What are we gonna do, Dad?” Lucan said softly. “We can’t leave them here and go home. I wouldn’t be able to sleep, knowing what’s happening here.”

Enar nodded. “I agree. We’re not going home before we’ve found a way to fix this. I just don’t know how.”

Grayson put a hand on Enar’s shoulder. “You do know how. You’re Lidon’s mate, Enar. You have his power, his authority. You can speak on his behalf with the full weight of his name. Use it.”

“I’m scared…” Enar sounded more like a beta than he ever had before. “I’m not an alpha like you, Gray, or a super assertive beta like Palani. I don’t have your authority or self-confidence. I can’t do this.”

Before Lucan could say anything, Sven turned to his older brother. “We don’t need you to be an alpha or to be like Palani or Grayson or anyone else. We need you to be you. Your heart for hurting omegas is bigger than anyone I know. You’re crying on the inside for what we see here… Show that. Speak from that, Enar. Show everyone your heart. Remind them of who they are…”

“Oh, Sven…my sweet baby brother. I’m humbled by your faith in me,” Enar whispered. “I’ll try. I promise I’ll try.”

“We have a master key,” Lucan said. “I don’t know how many rooms that will get us into, but we should be able to unlock quite a few doors.”

“Where are Maz and Riordan?” his father asked.

Lucan pointed behind him. “Room 12.”

Footsteps sounded, and a large alpha rounded the corner. They stopped talking, and at first, it seemed he’d pass them with a curt nod, but then he stopped, and his gaze lingered. Lucan held his breath. Please, let the guy move on. “Who are y—?” Lucan’s father knocked him out cold with one punch.

Enar managed to catch the guy before he hit the floor, and Lucan’s father stood shaking his fist. “Damn, that hurts.”

Lucan quickly took out the master key and opened the door right next to them, which turned out to be a storage room. Perfect. Enar dragged the man in there and, because he was Enar, swiftly checked if he had a pulse. He straightened and shut the door behind him.

“That was badass, Dad.” Lucan grinned.

“It was super hot, Daddy,” Sven agreed, and Lucan smiled at the way his father’s chest puffed up. How cute was that?

Lucan opened his mouth to ask how they were gonna do this when a loud howl echoed through the hallways. Adar. He was in trouble.

Room 12 opened, and Maz stormed out, Riordan on his heels. “Who is it?” Maz called out, not even bothering to be quiet.

“Adar.” Enar looked grim. “It’s time to make a stand.”

“Riordan, go with them,” Lucan said. “You guys shift and help Adar. Maz and I will open as many doors as we can and let the omegas out.”

His father nodded. “Howl if you guys run into trouble.”

In a flash, the others shifted, then took off. From the other side of the building, Adar howled again. “Hurry up,” Maz said. “It’s not gonna take long for them to realize what’s going on.”

They ran back to room 12, and Lucan threw the door wide open. “Everyone who can walk, go! Our friends are taking a stand elsewhere in the building, so be careful, but escape if you can…”

He’d barely finished when the first omegas hurried past him.

“Come on.”

“No, not that way. There are the soldiers’ quarters.”

“What now?”

Three omegas ran back into the room and returned, two of them hauling a chair, the other carrying blankets. Seconds later, the chair smashed Copyright 2016 - 2024