Omega's Truth - Nora Phoenix Page 0,84

to bring the shifters back. I swear that our intentions were honorable, and initially, we’d planned to do it through the official channels. But once the scientists had the breakthrough discovery that led to the genetic mutation, we got scared. The anti-wolf sentiments were too strong, and we feared what would happen if this came out. They’d come after us…and after the omegas we’d chosen as the carriers. So we did everything in secret, never knowing how devastating the effects would be…”

Sighing, Baig slid down, his back against the door. Eastwood, clearly not the leader of the two, quickly followed his example.

“Your grandfather would be disgusted if he knew what we’d done…” Baig stared at the floor, his hands dangling between his bent knees. “It went against the old ways, against everything he stood for.”

His grandfather? What did Lidon’s grandfather have to do with this? A surprised rumble fell from his mouth. Baig studied him.

“You didn’t know?”

Didn’t know what? God, Bray had to control his urge to shift just so he could yell at this motherfucker to spill the truth. What the fuck was he talking about? He growled in irritation.

“Lidon, your grandfather started all this. He’s the one who paid for the initial research into bringing the shifters back.”


He’d done some crazy shit in his life, but walking straight up to the front door of the army headquarters to demand Bray’s release had to be the most ballsy, insane stunt Palani had ever pulled, even knowing Lidon was watching them. His heart raced, his hands were clammy, and yet his mind was calm.

“Hold it right there!” an angry voice snapped at them, and Palani froze, Rhene and the others coming to a stop behind him.

Two soldiers stepped into the road, weapons aimed at them. “Who the fuck are you, and what do you think you’re doing here?”

Showtime. Palani raised his chin. “My name is Palani Hightower, and I’m the second-in-command of the Hayes pack. I’m here with several other pack members to meet with General Armitage to talk about Lidon Hayes.”

The man gazed at him in stunned surprise for a moment, then burst out laughing. “Oh my god, the general was right. You guys really are this stupid. Walking straight into enemy territory, not even trying to sneak in. How dumb is that?”

But his fellow soldier didn’t share his mirth. He’d paled at the mention of Lidon’s name, and his eyes darted from Palani to the rest of their group.

“And you’re a dumb fuck for letting a beta speak on your behalf,” the first soldier sneered at Rhene, who merely shrugged.

“That you think that is a bad thing makes you the dumb fuck, but that’s just my opinion.”

Palani suppressed a grin. Oh, they’d picked the wrong guys to mess with. “We’d appreciate it if you wouldn’t waste our time any longer and take us to General Armitage.”

The soldier—Healey, according to his name patch—trod closer, getting into Palani’s personal space. He was at least a full head taller than Palani, and yet the beta didn’t feel even a sliver of fear. “Who says the general even wants to see you?”

Palani smiled, then took a small step forward himself. “Who says the general won’t court-martial you on the spot when he finds out you didn’t bring us to him immediately?”

Behind him, Rhene and Kean snickered. Healey’s face grew red, but he stepped back. “Follow me,” he snapped. “Stay at your post, Jones.”

They followed Healey through the front entrance, around a corner, down a hallway, to the headmaster’s office. “Wait here,” Healey barked at them.

He rapped his knuckles on the door. “Enter,” an irritated voice called out.

“General,” Healey said, snapping a salute before he even stepped into the room, then marched in.

“What’s the problem now, Healey?”

The general didn’t sound like he was in a good mood. Awesome.

“General, some men have shown up who claim to be pack members of Lidon Hayes, Sir.”

“Send them in.”

“General…the man who says he’s the second-in-command? He’s a beta. The whole group only has one alpha.”

Palani grinned as he bumped shoulders with Rhene. “You’re famous, bro.”

“What did the beta say his name was?”

“Palani Hightower, General.”

“That checks out. Send them in.”

Healey reappeared and gestured them over. “You can come in.”

Palani couldn’t resist. “Told you,” he whispered as he walked by Healey. Oh, if looks could kill…

Palani felt almost exuberated as he faced the infamous General Armitage for the first time. Armitage sat behind a massive mahogany desk, but now he rose to his feet. He was tall, a strong Copyright 2016 - 2024