Omega's Truth - Nora Phoenix Page 0,60


He jerked his head to signal he was taking the lead, and Sivney immediately fell in behind him, with Palani at the rear. It was a short walk to the former Alpha Elite Boarding School, one of the buildings they’d deemed a good location for a possible camp. But when they got closer, the school was dark. An at least ten-feet-high iron fence with barbed wire on top surrounded the school property. Had that always been there? Bray tried to remember. He’d been there only once when he’d dropped off a client’s son, but he’d never made it past the front gate, which was now firmly closed, thick chains locking the two gates.

They’d have to search for a weak spot in the fence somewhere or another option for them to get in. Bray led them stealthily along the fence. The odds of anyone being inside the school were slim, what with how dark it was, but he wasn’t taking any chances.

After ten minutes, he finally discovered a place that could work. A tree stood right next to the fence, a few of the branches extending right over the top. Tree climbing wasn’t easy in wolf form, but the lowest branch was reachable for Bray if he jumped—though not for Palani and Sivney.

He pointed his muzzle toward the branch, and Palani nodded. Bray ran back far enough so he could build up speed, then took off and, at the last moment, exploded into a jump. He made the branch easily but scrambled to not lose his footing. The branch creaked under his weight, and he did a quick prayer it would hold. He’d have to move fast and nimble. He took a few careful steps on the branch, leading him over the fence, then jumped to the ground. The landing was a little harder than he had planned, but he done it.

He made eye contact with Palani and Sivney, then jerked his head in the direction of the main buildings, and once they’d acknowledged they understood, he took off. The closer he got to the school itself, the uneasier he became. A smell tickled his nose. Definitely the scent of people, of cooked food, but something else as well. Something unpleasant. Like a wet rag mixed in with… Oh, shit.

Running paws alerted him to the dogs. They broke out in angry barks, sounding the alarm about the intruder. Bray took off, the dogs immediately giving chase. Dobermans. God, he hated those. He’d hated them as a human, and he hated them even more as a wolf.

He stretched his legs, running at full speed. He was bigger and faster…and gaining ground. Where could he hide? They’d smell him. Or could he somehow escape through the gate?

He couldn’t shift. If it came to a fight, he stood a chance as a wolf, but not as a human. They’d tear him to shreds. He’d have to keep running.

A siren went off, and all around the school, floodlights sprang to life. He came to a screeching halt, blinded by the sudden lights.


Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck. Where was that loud voice coming from? It had come through a loudspeaker, but where? He couldn’t see jack shit with those lights still aimed at him. The dogs pounded closer. He sprinted away. But he found no darkness. Instead, a spotlight followed him.

Pew! A bullet thudded into the grass right in front of him. He veered to the left. Another bullet. To the right. Way too close. Another.

“Freeze, or the next one won’t miss!”

He stood still, his chest heaving as his blood ran cold. If they’d missed him on purpose and had aimed that close to his body, this warning was real. They would hit him next time…and it wouldn’t be pretty. Loud, angry growls came from behind him, and he pivoted, facing five Dobermans, their teeth bared, their bodies panting with the effort.

“Call off the dogs,” the same voice boomed. Then a dog whistle sounded. Bray held his breath, but the dogs gave him a last menacing growl, then reluctantly ran toward the sound of the whistle. At least he wouldn’t have to fight off five dogs, but who the hell had him in his sight? His eyes were finally adjusting to the brightness of the floodlights. A man, dressed in army fatigues, a rifle at his shoulder aimed at Bray, marched toward him.

“We have four sniper rifles trained at you, so don’t do anything stupid!” the voice over the loudspeaker called out. What other choice Copyright 2016 - 2024