Omega's Truth - Nora Phoenix Page 0,24

just walk over and see if you had time, but I understand if you’re busy, like with a patient or…”

Lucan put his hands on Sando’s shoulders. “Breathe, would you please?”

Sando obediently inhaled, then blew his breath out slowly.

“We’re always happy to see you,” Maz said. “No explanation necessary.”

Sando blinked, then snuggled against Maz. The alpha’s eyes were full of tenderness as he wrapped his arm around him.

“If you’re free now, you can go talk to Naran,” Sivney said.

Lucan liked that idea. The sooner Sando got some answers, the better. “Naran may know more about your father and maybe even your birth mother, since he investigated your father’s disappearance back then,” he said to Sando.

Sando’s eyes widened, and he straightened his stand. “I’d like to talk to him, please.”

“I figured,” Sivney said. “Let’s go.”

Sando stayed right by Maz’s side when they closed the clinic and walked over to the house where Naran, Lev, and Sivney were living with Sivney’s little girl, Abigail. She was the prettiest baby Lucan had ever seen, though he’d never say that out loud because Bray would immediately claim Jax was cuter, as was his duty as his father.

“Naran, I brought company,” Sivney announced as soon as they walked in. Muffled sounds came from the bedroom, and after a few seconds, Lev appeared, his lips swollen and his hair a hot mess.

“Hi,” he said sheepishly, and Sivney grinned as he pulled his head down for a kiss.

“Were you keeping Naran happy, babyface?”

“Yes, Boss,” Lev said, then blushed fiercely. “Abigail is napping. She’s been fed and changed already.”

Sivney kissed him again. “Good boy,” he said tenderly, and Lev’s expression changed into pure love.

Rumors had been flying wild about the kind of relationship these three had, but Lucan saw nothing but love. His stomach fluttered with happiness, especially about the way Lev treated Sivney. It took courage to submit to an omega, and yet it was easy to see how happy it made him.

“Naran, you decent?” Sivney then called out.

“Yeah,” came the answer, and even that one word held humor.

They followed Sivney into the bedroom, where Naran sat propped up against the headboard of a giant bed, looking rosy and relaxed. The unmistakable smell of sex hung in the air, and if Lucan had to take a guess, he’d say that Naran had been on the receiving end of a very satisfying blow job.

“My god, open a window next time, would you?” Sivney muttered and did just that.

“I would have, firecracker, if you hadn’t walked in seconds after we were done,” Naran calmly pointed out.

Sando’s giggle was adorable, as were his red cheeks. He was still so innocent and sweet, and it warmed Lucan’s heart.

“Anyway, come on in, people. I don’t think we’ve met officially.” Naran extended his hand. “You must be Sando.”

“Yes, alpha,” Sando said as he shook his hand.

Naran smiled at him. “Just Naran. The only one you should call alpha is Lidon…and your alpha mate if he insists on it.”

Sando’s shy glance at Maz took Lucan’s breath away. “I don’t think he wants that,” Sando finally said.

“I don’t,” Maz agreed.

“Good. Please, grab a chair. Babyface, can you bring in two more dining chairs? I’d get into my wheelchair otherwise, but I overdid it a little with a workout yesterday, and sitting has been painful.”

Sivney glared at his mate, full of fire. “Which will hopefully remind you not to pull that crap again.”

God, Lucan loved him. He was dynamite and titanium, all wrapped in a cute little package.

Lev brought in the chairs, and they all sat. After a short hesitation, Sando claimed a spot on Lucan’s lap, which made him ridiculously happy.

“So what can I do for you?” Naran asked.

Sando stayed quiet, and Lucan bumped his shoulder. “This is all you, kitten.”

“I was wondering if you might have any information about my mother. My father never told me about her, and I’d like to know more.”

Naran opened and closed his mouth, resembling an enormous goldfish, his eyes wide. “Oh my god. You don’t know, and I never realized.”

“Don’t know what?” Lucan asked when Sando trembled against him.

“He’s not your father, Sando.”


If not for Lucan’s arms holding him tight, Sando was sure he would’ve slipped right off the chair onto the ground. “He’s not?” he whispered.

“He’s your grandfather.”

“My…” Oh my god, that was why they looked like they were related. He was still his blood, just not directly.

Naran’s eyes were kind. “Your grandfather was married to a female omega named Sofia. They had one child, a daughter. Her Copyright 2016 - 2024