Olivia, Striking Back - Danielle Norman Page 0,29

part?” Olivia sighed.

“The part about you being upset that he only kissed you on the cheek,” she clarified. “You didn’t mention that when you told me and the girls about the date.”

Olivia shrugged and sank down in the seat.

“I’m not upset,” Olivia argued. “It’s fine. I mean, I wasn’t even willing to go on a date with him until you made me an offer I couldn’t refuse, so it’s not like I really have a right to be disappointed in the lack of physical intimacy.”

Adeline pursed her lips. “But you had a good time with him, didn’t you? And you’re going to that party with him, right?”

“Yes and yes,” Olivia answered. “But, like I said, I won’t get my hopes up.”

“Well, it’s perfectly okay if you do,” Adeline countered. “And if he continues to lead you on, let me know and I’ll taser his testicles.”

Olivia laughed loudly. “I don’t think those extreme measures will be necessary. It’s just a flirtation.”

Just a flirtation. That didn’t sound right.

The truth was that it felt like so much more than that.


When the doorbell rang, Olivia smiled as she tossed her long hair over her shoulder before pulling the door open to find Rhys on her front porch. “God, you need stop doing this to me,” he told her, clutching his chest as if he were wounded. “You look absolutely devastating. Stunning, actually.”

“Flattery will get you everywhere.” She laughed, taking in the sight of his handsome face in the evening light. His dark eyes roamed her body just like they did the last time he saw her.

“Good to know.” He chuckled. “Ready to go?”

“Yep.” She grinned, following him to where his bike was parked.

Olivia climbed onto the back of his motorcycle and wrapped her arms around his waist, more comfortable than she had been the first time.

He revved the engine, checking to make sure she was comfortable before pulling away.

She smiled, watching the city streets flash by for a while, then closed her eyes and admired the way his heartbeat felt under her hands.

As they pulled in front of the house where the party was being held, loud music boomed, and the windows vibrated. It reminded her of a frat party, but Rhys had insisted it was a housewarming party for a friend. He failed to mention that it would be more like a full-on rager, but Olivia was surprised to find that she didn’t mind. She was just happy to be around Rhys.

Inside, the house, bodies pressed in together tightly. Most people hovered and chatted with each other, but there were some pockets of people dancing like they were in a club. The stark contrast between Drake’s dinner party and this scene wasn’t lost on Olivia. The two brothers really couldn’t have been more different.

“Hey, Rhys!” shouted a short, stout guy with a beard and a friendly grin.

“Hey, Mad! How you doing, man?” yelled Rhys, excitedly clapping the guy on the back.

“Doing great. How are you?” he asked. “And who is this?”

“I’m good, yeah. This is my friend Olivia,” Rhys said, wrapping an arm around her waist and smiling down at her. “I thought I’d bring her by and show her some good, old-fashioned fun.”

“Hell yeah, I’m all about that!” The shorter guy laughed. “I’m Maddix, by the way.”

He offered her a beefy hand, which she shook with a smile. This wasn’t the type of person she expected when Rhys said the host was his friend. She pictured another tattooed, sexy man with a devilish smirk, not the smiling guy with a beer gut and pink skin. Still, Maddix gave off good energy.

“Nice to meet you,” she told him.

“Likewise, Olivia.” He grinned. “You want a beer?”

They nodded, so Maddix directed them toward the coolers on the back porch.

“You know,” she said to Rhys when he handed her a bottle dripping with condensation. “I once knew a guy who could open a beer by twisting it against his forearm.”

“Can you do that?” he asked, surprised.

“Well, no, but I can show you.” Olivia pressed the twist cap of the beer bottle firmly against her forearm. “He would just do this…and twist.”

Olivia pressed hard and twisted, immediately regretting the attempt and grimacing in pain.

“Here.” He laughed. “Let me try.”

He mimicked her motion, and a satisfying pop filled the air and Olivia’s mouth dropped open.


“Thanks. Follow me and I’ll show you another trick.”

He grabbed her hand and led her into the kitchen. It was probably the only room in the house that wasn’t totally packed with people.

“What are

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